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Planning 2012-03-22 Item 4 - Osterly Park Townhomes - Attachment C - Staff Report Dated 11/2/09
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2012-03-22 Planning Commission - Osterly Park Townhomes
Planning 2012-03-22 Item 4 - Osterly Park Townhomes - Attachment C - Staff Report Dated 11/2/09
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The patterned and colored material used within the shared garage access areas and in between <br />the raised pedestrian walkways in the vicinity of the recreation spaces will add visual interest <br />within paved areas of the project. The concrete aggregate material submitted by the applicant <br />is not consistent with the level of design interest the patterned pavement is intended to create <br />for the project, as shown on the site plan (Sheet Al of Attachment B). Staff recommends a <br />different decorative pavement treatment be selected on as part review of the Public Works <br />construction permit. <br />The location of the recreation spaces in the middle of the site allows opportunities for <br />surveillance by surrounding townhome units. Clustering of perimeter landscaping at the end of <br />the shared garage access areas provides additional greenery within these paved areas, while <br />allowing the spaces between the townhouse buildings and the 6 -foot perimeter fence to remain <br />clear of vegetation for easier surveillance. A draft lighting plan showing very bright lighting <br />levels was submitted for the project. Staff recommends the lighting plan be revised and <br />resubmitted for review administratively as part of the Public Works construction permit. <br />2. Building Design <br />The townhouse buildings proposed as part of the Osterly Park Townhomes project will add <br />architectural interest to the neighborhood; the design of the structures in the Osterly Park <br />Townhomes incorporates elements of Northwest regional architecture including peaked roofs, <br />large eaves, brackets for roof elements, building modulation for window areas, and use of <br />wood siding and shingles. The scale of the buildings is less severe than the long walls of the <br />apartment complexes adjacent to the project site on the east, south, and north sides. The length <br />of buildings included in this project is at least half that of the La Roche and Samara apartment <br />complexes, and building and roofline modulation included in the design of the buildings helps <br />to further reduce the scale of the proposed buildings. <br />Colors and materials used will be consistent for each building, so that each duplex or triplex <br />included in the project will read as one unified mass. Complimentary colors will be used and <br />varied throughout the site. Additionally, colors, roof forms, and arrangement of materials on <br />the different buildings throughout the project add variety in texture and colors. Variation in the <br />design of modulation forms and arrangement of windows from building to building is also <br />included in the design of the townhome buildings in this project. <br />3. Landscape and Site Treatment. <br />Landscape design proposed for this project accentuates the entry points to the development, <br />helps to create focal points within the project, including the recreation spaces in the center of <br />the project; and the design works to help minimize the appearance of paved areas, blank wall <br />areas, and adjacent development. The applicant's request to cluster landscaping at the ends of <br />garage access areas, if approved, will allow clustering of landscaping where it can be seen on <br />the site, and where it will help add greenery to areas of the site dominated by pavement. <br />Existing trees, including a Cedar and Hemlock tree in the north portion of the project site, and <br />an Ash clump in the southern part of the site, shall be saved as a condition of approval of the <br />design review application unless there are conflicts with the location of utilities or fences. <br />Recreation spaces on the site have been designed based on guidance provided by staff from the <br />Tukwila Parks and Recreation Department. The two spaces include a recreation area for <br />children ages 5 to 12 years old, and a more flexible space for reading, picnicking, etc. Both of <br />JR Pa Lc 17 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />H:ADcsiLn Rcvicw \Ostcrly Townhomcs \L08-076 L08-079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc 45 <br />
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