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SECTION TWO SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION <br />REVIEW PROCESS SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL <br />There are three basic steps in the subdivision approval process: <br />1. Preliminary Approval <br />Any land being divided into ten or more unit lots shall receive preliminary plat approval by the <br />Tukwila Planning Commission as a Type 4 decision according to the provisions of 18.108.040. <br />Criteria for Preliminary Plat Approval are contained in section 17.14.020(D). The application was <br />reviewed by the Tukwila Short Subdivision Committee, and staff's response to each of the criteria for <br />preliminary plat approval and recommended conditions of approval are included below. <br />Once a townhouse project receives preliminary subdivision and design review approval by the <br />Planning Commission /Board of Architectural Review, the applicant must apply for a Public <br />Works permit for construction of project infrastructure. Prior to receiving final approval, the <br />developer of townhouse units may also apply for building permits to construct dwelling <br />foundations. The project must receive final approval from the Tukwila City Council prior to <br />construction beyond dwelling foundations. <br />2. Final Approval <br />After construction of project infrastructure and compliance with conditions of preliminary <br />approval, the applicant must apply to receive final approval for the subdivision plat. The final <br />approval decision on a subdivision plat is made by the Tukwila City Council. Before the final plat <br />is submitted to the City Council, it shall be signed by the Tukwila Finance Director, Director of <br />Public Works, and the Director of the Department of Community Development. <br />3. Recording <br />Upon approval by the City Council, the subdivision plat shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by <br />the City Clerk. It is the applicant's responsibility to record the City approved final subdivision plat <br />documents with the King County Department of Records. The applicant will need to pay the <br />recording fees and submit the approved original final subdivision plat to King County. The final <br />subdivision plat is not complete until the recording occurs and copies of the recorded documents are <br />provided to the Department of Community Development. The approved final subdivision plat must <br />be filed with the King County Department of Records five years from the date of this preliminary <br />approval or the application will expire. The Planning Commission may grant a single one year <br />extension. <br />JR Pa Lc 19 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />H:ADcsiLn Rcvicw \Otitcrly Townhomcs \1_08-076 L08-079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc 47 <br />