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DECISION CRITERIA SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL <br />The criteria for preliminary plat approval are listed below in italics, followed by staff's response to each <br />of the criteria. For the applicant's response to the criteria see Attachment A. <br />17.14.020 (D) Criteria for Preliminary Plat Approval <br />The Planning Commission shall base its decision on an application for preliminary plat approval on <br />the following criteria: <br />1. The proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tukwila Comprehensive Plan and <br />any other city adopted plans. <br />Following are the relevant policies of the Tukwila Comprehensive Plan: <br />Communitv Image Residential Areas <br />Goal 1.6 "Residential neighborhood ph>>sical features that are "small town in character: <br />Residential- scale streets, with on- street parking allowed (in addition to required <br />off -'street parking). <br />Lawns, trees, and low scale fences in front vards. <br />Garages located toward the rear or side of the lot. <br />Front porches and sidewalks that allow interaction between passing neighbors. <br />Shallower front vards consistent with the adjacent pattern of development. <br />This project includes a 20 -foot access road with sidewalks on both sides which provides a <br />through- connection from 34"' Ave S to S 144' Street. The street width is wide enough to <br />provide adequate access to the development, but narrow enough to deter drivers from using <br />the access road as a cut through and /or moving through the project at high speeds. In the <br />middle portion of the development, the pavement ramps up to a raised pedestrian walkway <br />area, which acts as a speed table to slow drivers down in the area where the two recreation <br />areas are located. The pavement in this area will be patterned and /or colored to add greater <br />visibility. Along the southern portion of the private access road, the street includes on- <br />street parking and street trees. All of these elements help to enhance the residential <br />character of the development. <br />With the exception of the "C" type units in the middle of the site, all of the garages are <br />accessed from a shared garage access area, helping to screen garage areas and separate <br />vehicle turning movements from the street. Front porches will be located on the units that <br />have frontage on 34"' Ave S and S 144' Street. The porches are proposed to be enclosed by <br />4 -foot high fences. These areas will encourage interaction between neighbors while also <br />incorporating low fences which will help delineate private from public space. <br />Units that do not front along the public streets have private recreation space located at the <br />front entrance to their units. These areas can be used as front porch areas, and will allow <br />interaction between neighbors. <br />StreetscaDe DeVelODment <br />7.4.1 Provide pedestrian and other nonmotorized travel facilities, giving priorit>> to <br />sidewalk improvements that connect public places, such as parks, the river, open spaces, <br />and neighborhood gathering slots. <br />JR Pa Lc 20 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />48 HADcsip RcvicwvOtitcrly Townhomcsv1.08-076 L08 -079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc <br />