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developments with development coverage of over 50% to incorporate low- impact <br />development techniques, if feasible (including such features as pervious pavement, <br />raingardens, etc.). <br />The development area coverage for the Osterly Park Townhomes project is approximately <br />55 During meetings among the applicant, the applicant's civil engineer, and Tukwila's <br />surface water engineer, it was determined that soil conditions on the project site do not <br />allow stormwater infiltration. These site conditions preclude the applicant's ability to <br />incorporate low- impact development techniques as part of this project. <br />3. Appropriate provisions have been made for road, utilities and other improvements that <br />are consistent with current standards and plans. <br />Provisions for access, utilities, and other improvements have been reviewed by multiple <br />departments, including the Planning, Fire, Building, and Public Works departments. <br />Because of challenges presented by the shape and width of the project site, the applicant <br />met with representatives from the departments mentioned above on multiple occasions to <br />discuss revisions to the site plan, including street width and configuration, and on- street <br />parking. <br />The resulting street, at 20 feet wide with 5 -foot sidewalks on both sides and on- street <br />parking along the southern portion, represents an exception to the standard 28 -foot <br />roadway width required for a local access street. However, a roadway width of 20 feet, <br />with additional room provided for on- street guest parking, was determined by the Public <br />Works and Fire departments to be acceptable for the amount of traffic and for emergency <br />access requirements. Additionally, narrower roadways in residential areas are consistent <br />with Comprehensive Plan policies (see discussion under number 2, Streetscape <br />Development, above). The Planning Commission has the authority to approve the <br />preliminary plat, and any exceptions to the requirements of the subdivision code shall be <br />considered by the Planning Commission according to TMC section 17.28. <br />The residential units are proposed to be constructed in three phases. Prior to construction <br />of residential units and final approval of the plat, construction of the access road, utilities, <br />and the larger recreation with children's play equipment will be required to ensure that all <br />required emergency access and infrastructure is in place to serve the first phase of <br />development. Phase I is planned to include units 16 -25. Phase II will include units 5 -15 <br />and the southern recreation area. Phase III will include units 1 -4 and 26 -31. <br />A draft lighting plan has been submitted by the applicant to provide lighting for the access <br />road, on- street parking, and sidewalk and recreation areas. Since the draft submitted <br />includes lighting levels that are much brighter than needed to meet City requirements, staff <br />recommends that this plan be revised and resubmitted for review administratively as part <br />of the Public Works construction permit (see previous discussion of lighting requirements <br />contained in the Design Review portion of this staff report, under section I. Site Planning, <br />Crime Prevention). <br />4. Appropriate provisions have been made for dedications, easements and reservations. <br />The applicant has submitted a plat survey showing proposed easements (see Attachment <br />D), and a draft copy of easement documents and codes, covenants, and restrictions (see <br />JR Pa Lc 22 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />5 0 HADcsip RcvicwvOstcrly Townhomcsv1.08-076 L08 -079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc <br />