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Planning 2012-03-22 Item 4 - Osterly Park Townhomes - Attachment C - Staff Report Dated 11/2/09
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2012-03-22 Planning Commission - Osterly Park Townhomes
Planning 2012-03-22 Item 4 - Osterly Park Townhomes - Attachment C - Staff Report Dated 11/2/09
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Attachment F). These documents have been reviewed by the Public Works and Planning <br />departments, as well as the City Attorney's Office. These documents shall be revised to <br />reference BAR approval, and to include joint maintenance agreements for access road, <br />utilities, and landscaping areas. Also, the legal descriptions under Exhibit A of the codes, <br />covenants, and restrictions shall be added to the document, and reviewed administratively. <br />Transportation, Parks, and Fire impact fees will apply to the future Building Permit(s). <br />5. The design, shape and orientation of the proposed lots are appropriate to the proposed <br />use for which the lots are intended and are compatible with the area in which they are <br />located. <br />This is the first townhouse project to be reviewed and to undergo design review since <br />townhouse development was allowed in Tukwila starting in March of 2008. The <br />configuration of unit lots (the lot area corresponding to each townhouse unit) is appropriate <br />for this development type. The lots are compatible with the area in which they are located; <br />the addition of townhome development to the area will add to the diversity of housing <br />types available. The scale of the development is most similar to the duplex and four -plex <br />units located to the south of the project site; the buildings as proposed are in between the <br />scale of the high density, large apartment complexes located to the east and the north of the <br />project site and the single- family dwelling units located to the west. <br />6. The subdivision complies with the relevant requirements of the Tukwila Subdivision and <br />Zoning Ordinances, and all other relevant local regulations. <br />The project has been reviewed for compliance with the requirements of the Tukwila <br />Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances. Issues that will need to be addressed prior to final <br />subdivision approval are listed under the "Conclusions" section below. <br />7. Appropriate provisions for maintenance of privately owned conznzon facilities have been <br />made. <br />The applicant has submitted a draft of the Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC &Rs) for <br />the Osterly Park Townhomes subdivision. These rules outline common responsibilities of <br />owners and residents of property within the development for maintenance of common <br />areas, including recreation spaces, parking areas, and the access drive, as well as how <br />owners who share a common wall will coordinate to make repairs to their homes (i.e. roof <br />repairs, painting, etc.) so that the aesthetic appearance and function of each building <br />remains intact. Prior to final approval, the "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, <br />Restrictions, Easements and Agreements for Osterly Park Townhomes" shall be revised to <br />reference BAR approval, and to include joint maintenance agreements for access road, <br />utilities, and landscaping areas. Also, the legal descriptions under Exhibit A of the codes, <br />covenants, and restrictions shall be added to the document, and reviewed administratively. <br />8. The subdivision complies with RCW 58.17.110. <br />Review of this project by multiple departments at the City of Tukwila, including Building, <br />Community Development, Public Works, and Fire, and written findings based on the <br />project review found here meet the requirements of RCW 58.17.110. According to plans <br />submitted by the applicant, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, <br />safety, and general welfare, for recreation areas, and for infrastructure including access and <br />JR Pa Lc 23 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />H:ADcsiLn Rcvicw \Otitcrly Townhomcs \1.08-076 L08-079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc 51 <br />
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