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utilities. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the Tukwila Comprehensive Plan and <br />will serve the public interest. <br />CONCLUSIONS SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL <br />The following conclusions are numbered according to the Subdivision Preliminary Plat criteria: <br />1. The project complies with applicable goals and policies of the Tukwila Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. The project has been reviewed by the Public Works department to ensure that appropriate <br />provisions, consistent with city standards and plans, are included for water, storm drainage, <br />erosion control, and sanitary sewage disposal. <br />3. Proposed infrastructure, including access road, utilities, and frontage improvements have <br />been reviewed by the Public Works, Planning, Building, and Fire department for consistency <br />with current standards and plans. A draft lighting plan has been submitted by the applicant to <br />provide lighting for the access road, on- street parking, and sidewalk and recreation areas. <br />The draft plan shows lighting levels that are much brighter than necessary. Staff <br />recommends the lighting plan be revised and reviewed administratively as part of the Public <br />Works construction permit to meet recommendations of the Tukwila Police Department, the <br />lighting requirements in TMC section 18.52.065 and the Tukwila Infrastructure Design and <br />Construction Standards. <br />4. Appropriate provisions have been made for easements and for codes, covenants, and <br />restrictions. Prior to final subdivision approval, easements and the "Declaration of <br />Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and Agreements for Osterly Park <br />Townhomes" shall be revised to reference BAR approval, and to include joint maintenance <br />agreements for access road, utilities, and landscaping areas. Also, the legal descriptions <br />under Exhibit A of the codes, covenants, and restrictions shall be added to the document, and <br />reviewed administratively. Transportation, Parks, and Fire impact fees will apply to the <br />future Building Permit(s). <br />5. The design, shape and orientation of the proposed lots are appropriate for the proposed use <br />of the site for townhouse development. The type of development and site design is <br />compatible with the area in which it will be located. <br />6. The subdivision complies with the zoning requirements of the HDR zone, and has been <br />reviewed for compliance with the subdivision code. <br />7. The "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and Agreements" <br />includes provisions for use and maintenance of privately owned common facilities, including <br />private access road, recreation areas, and landscaping. <br />8. The proposed subdivision is consistent with Tukwila's Comprehensive Plan, zoning and <br />subdivision regulations, and other city plans. The subdivision as proposed will serve the <br />public interest and will comply with RCW 58.17.110. <br />RECOMMENDATION SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL <br />Staff recommends approval of the Subdivision Preliminary Plat application with the following conditions: <br />PRELIMINARY APPROVAL CONDITIONS <br />The following shall be addressed as part of the Public Works Construction Permit: <br />1. The applicant shall submit a revised lighting plan to meet recommendations of the Tukwila Police <br />Department, the lighting requirements in TMC section 18.52.065 and the Tukwila Infrastructure <br />Design and Construction Standards. <br />JR Pa Lc 24 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />5 2 WDcsip RcvicwvOtitcrly TownhomcsvL08 -076 L08 -079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc <br />