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a) A survey map as described in the application checklist that is consistent with all of the conditions of <br />approval. The surveyor's original signature must be on the face of the plat. <br />b) Separate easement document with legal descriptions for any common access /utility infrastructure. <br />c) Separate joint Maintenance Agreements for the access road, drainage system, and landscaping areas. <br />d) Add Tukwila land use file number L08 -079 for the subdivision application to all sheets of the <br />survey. <br />e) Include Existing Conditions Survey as Sheet 5 of 5 of the survey sheets. <br />f) Add a vicinity map to the survey. <br />g) Add "After" legal description to the survey sheets for the boundaries of the new subdivision. Also <br />add legal descriptions for each of the tracts. <br />h) The fact that the unit lot is not a separate buildable lot, and that additional development of the <br />individual unit lots may be limited as a result of the application of development standards to the <br />parent lot, shall be noted on the plat. <br />The following shall be addressed as part of the Building Permits: <br />1. Transportation, Parks, and Fire impact fees will apply to the future Building Permit(s). <br />2. Buildings will be required to meet fire flow requirements per the International Fire Code. <br />3. Adequate ground ladder access area of 15 feet minimum depth to be provided for 2nd and 3rd story <br />bedroom rescue windows. <br />JR Pa Lc 26 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />5 4 HADcsip RcvicwvOstcrly TownhomcsvL08 -076 L08 -079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc <br />