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is meant to signify the entrance to the development, and is proposed to include a sign with the <br />name of the development at each entrance. Design of the sign will be reviewed as part of a sign <br />permit application to ensure consistency with the architectural style of the development. <br />Within the development site, a combination of trellises and /or landscaping separates the sidewalk <br />on either side of the access road from the pathways leading to the front entrances to each of the <br />units. <br />Natural Environment <br />Due to the site configuration, there is little existing vegetation that can be retained. However, <br />mature trees, including an 8" Cedar and a 7" Hemlock located on the north portion of the site (on <br />tax lot 0040- 000088), and an Ash clump located in the southeastern comer of the site (on tax lot <br />0040 000094) shall be retained as a condition of approval of this application, unless there is a <br />conflict with location of proposed utilities or fences. <br />The proposed location of buildings, recreation areas, and landscaping on the site has been <br />designed to screen adjacent development from view within the project and from view points along <br />S 144' Street and 34" Ave S. The location of westernmost unit of the tri -plex and the recreation <br />area at the southeastern corner of the site was chosen in order to create a focal point from S 144' <br />Street. The combination of this portion of the tri -plex and trees located in the south portion of the <br />recreation space help to screen the existing apartment building to the south from view. The <br />location of trees within the front yard areas of units B 12 and B 13, as well as trees within the <br />adjacent perimeter landscaping area to the south of these units help to screen the adjacent <br />apartment building to the east from view within the development, and from the public right -of- <br />way of 34 Ave S. <br />Buildings along S 144 and 34 Ave S face the street. Buildings that do not face public streets, <br />with the exception of units C24 and C25, have the side of the building facing the street. In order to <br />create more of a relationship between the side elevation of units and the private access road, a few <br />different design elements were added: <br />A window was added to the side elevation of the first floor. <br />2. A small area with landscaping was added in between the building and the sidewalk. Tall <br />growing plantings are included in the landscape design to screen blank walls areas along <br />the first floor elevation. <br />A trellis was added to the side building adjacent to the private access road to add <br />architectural interest and provide more greenery to the streetscape. <br />Circulation (Pedestrian and Vehicular) <br />A comprehensive system of sidewalks links the recreation areas and the entrances to all buildings <br />within the project to the 5 -foot wide sidewalks on either side of the private access road. Sidewalks <br />along the private access road connect to the 6 -foot wide sidewalks along S 144'' Street, and to new <br />6 -foot wide sidewalks that will be constructed in front of project site along 34 Ave S. In the <br />middle of the project site, raised pedestrian crossings will be installed across the private access <br />road to provide greater visibility to pedestrians. These crossings will be concrete to distinguish <br />them from the asphalt used for the roadway. One of these walkways is located to provide an east <br />west connection between units on the east side of the development and the recreation space with <br />JR Pa Lc 7 of 26 11/05/2009 <br />H:ADcsiLn Rcvicw \Otitcrly Townhomcs \1-08 -076 L08-079 Ostcrly Park Sub livision &DcsipRcvicw SR. loc 35 <br />