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PC Hearing Minutes <br />February 23, 2012 <br />transportation will be critical to hovv people continue to move through the TUC and have the good planning <br />development that eveivone wants to have. He also thanked Westfield for being part of the community and <br />commended them on doing a great job. <br />Commissioner Hundtofte asked Nyhat in particular is still outstanding for Westfield vvith the second draft. <br />Mr. Ritch answered that they provided a vei detailed list of concerns in the original draft and they have not <br />received any neNy information on Nyluch to comment. Once they receive neNy information, they vvill put together <br />detailed comments. He also said that they would be happy to come back and discuss their comments. <br />Additional comments from the PC The Commissioners thanked Mr. Ritch for the presentation, congratulated <br />Westfield on winning the gold award, and expressed their appreciation for having Westfield in the City. <br />Commissioner Alford asked if Westfield had a 1(_), 2(_), or 50 year plan for a vision for this property in their <br />organization for the future. Commissioner Alford also asked if Westfield could potentially- see having residential <br />housing above the mall one day. <br />Mr. Ritch said they face a challenge having plans that are as far out as 10 -50 years. He said that five years out is <br />even difficult to predict vvith all of the changes that happen and they are constantly adjusting their plans. He said <br />they want to continue to diversifi the assets, keep open communication vvith the community and retailers, and <br />evoke plans from there. He said the most important thing to do is to keep investing. Regarding housing above <br />the mall, Mr. Ritch said Nyhat drives the ability to do nixed use is a lot of the infrastructure. He said it's veiN site <br />specific and it depends on the timing and the demand. <br />Commission Shumate expressed concern regarding the price of gas continuing to rise in the next feNy years and <br />the impact it's going to have on people v ho normally drive to the mall. He said he hopes there will be a <br />contingency- plan on getting people from the train station, light rail, or the bus, to the mall. <br />Mr. Ritch stated they are veiv adept at working with cities to integrate public transportation, and would be more <br />than willing to work with the City on this issue. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING <br />1/26/12 CONTINUANCE: <br />Chair Alford s-,-, in those vvishing to provide public testimony. <br />CASE NUMBER: L12 -0o01 <br />APPLICANT: City of TUl{lylla <br />REQUEST: A series of proposed housekeeping code amendments ranging from code <br />clarification to policy- decisions about allowed uses and development standards. <br />LOCATION: City vvide <br />Minnie Dhaliwal, Planning Supeii isor, Department of Community Development, explained that at the 1/26/12 <br />public hearing it was proposed to add sub headings to the manufacturing uses that are allovved in the various <br />zones including those allowed in the Commercial and Light Industrial (C /LI) zone. The discussion focused on one <br />of the permitted uses listed as manufacturing of tools, vehicles, and machineiN and Nyhether it should continue to <br />be listed as a permitted use or changed to a conditional use. Since the 1/26/12 public hearing, staff has notified all <br />of the property- owners of the C /LI zone that the Planning Commission is reviewing this particular use. Staff <br />received three comment letters on this issue, N duch vvere provided to the Commissioners. Staff noted that the C/Ll <br />zone is spread out throughout the city and only a small portion of the overall area is adjacent to residential areas. <br />Commissioner Strander disclosed that she informed Nora Gierloff that she o-,-,ns property in the C /LI. Ms <br />Page 2 45 <br />