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Planning 2012-02-23 Minutes - Code Amendments
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Planning 2012-02-23 Minutes - Code Amendments
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PC Hearing Minutes <br />February 23, 2012 <br />Gierloff thanked Ms. Strander for disclosing the information and stated that it is fine for her to participate in the <br />public hearing for the Citywide zoning change. <br />TESTIMONY: <br />Paul Sheehan said he has owned a family business in Tukwila for 35 rears. He expressed concern yvith a <br />comment made pertaining to v hether manufacturing uses yvere zoned appropriately-. He said he is hoping the <br />City is not taking the approach that they do not 'want any manufacturing uses in the area. Mr. Sheehan said that <br />they like it in Tukyvila and want to stay. <br />Rick Bellin, Vice President, CFO for Harnish Group, and subsidiary companies, NC Machineiy and NC PoNver <br />System, said that he is very alarmed there is consideration for a Conditional Use. He said they yvork yvith light <br />and heavy- machinery including total rebuilds of tractors, and the proposed zoning change yvould affect them <br />tremendously He said it yvould harm a long term resident that's been in Tuk vila for over 40 years, yvho <br />generates high sales taxes for the City-. He said they have never created any type of environmental issue. And he <br />strongly urges that the zoning is not revised. In response to a question from Commissioner Alford, he said a <br />Conditional Use yvould put a limitation on the use of their property <br />Robin Sweiger, business owner, said that she doesn't see yvhere this environmental impact issue has come from. <br />She said that she is incredibly'' -owned about the zone being changed. She said all of the businesses in the area <br />yvork together and that the area has been cleaned up. <br />Gary Singh, Developer, discussed the issues addressed in the comment letter he submitted. He said that there is a <br />language interpretation issue for one of the TMC codes. Mr. Singh is proposing a different method of calculation <br />for the Maximum Building Footprint (TMC 18.10.057). Mr. Singh spoke in support of a proposal to alloy-, the <br />Director of Community Development to approve a 10% alloyvable variance. (staff clarified that the building <br />footprint issue was not discussed at the 1/26/12 public hearing but yeas discussed at the Community Affairs and <br />Parks Committee meeting in October 2011) Mr. Singh urged the Planning Commission to consider his requests. <br />Bruce MacVeigh, Civil Engineer, said he has yvorked on several projects yvith Mr. Singh. He spoke in support of <br />Mr. Singh's proposed method of calculation for Maximum Building Footprint and spoke favorably of the homes <br />Mr. Singh builds. <br />Mike Overbeck, Tuk vila property oyvner of a proposed 31 unit toyvnhomes development, said that he is very <br />passionate about being proactive and helping the city. He spoke in support of developers like Gary- being able to <br />invest in the City. He said he hopes there is a y-, to resolve Mr. Singh's issues and move foi He <br />commented that other municipalities yvould find a y-, to make this yvork. Mr. Overbeck said that he yvants to <br />continue to participate in bringing businesses, people, and developers into Tukyvila. <br />Louie Sanft, Tuk vila property owner, said he has several properties that are zoned C /LI. He said that he has a <br />neyv project he is developing along Interurban Ave that could possibly be affected by changing the zoning, as yvell <br />as some other existing properties. He said this change seems random and that he has not heard of any reasons <br />v,hy- the changes need to occur. Environmentally, he said that the Department of Ecology- is really good at <br />Watching businesses, as yvell as Bing Count- Industrial Waste Water Division, and the City of Tukyvila Fire <br />Department. He said that he doesn't think changing the uses of businesses that are lay-, abiding, folloyving the <br />rules, and doing everything appropriately-, yvould be fair to landlords. He also said a Conditional Use could limit <br />businesses from opening neyv businesses and some businesses may- move to a different city. Mr. Sanft requested <br />the manufacturing use is not changed to a Conditional Use because it yvould be discouraging to future businesses <br />that may yvant to move here. <br />There yvere no additional comments. <br />The public hearing 'vas closed. <br />The Planning Commission deliberated. <br />Page 145 <br />
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