Planning Commission Minutes
<br />2/22/24
<br />Page 2
<br />New Business
<br />1. Draft Transportation Element Goals and Policies, Cyndy Knighton, and Emily Alice Allhart (Fehr and
<br />Peers); and remaining Plan Element Updates, Senior Planner Neil Tabor, AICP, DCD
<br />a. Draft Transportation Element
<br />Senior Program Manager (Transportation) Cyndy Knighton, PW, thanked the PC for having them attend the
<br />meeting. She noted that Fehr & Peers had completed a prior Transportation Plan update, as well as the
<br />current update. She stated that they were bringing forth some of the policies intended for the Transportation
<br />Element update, but there is still work to be done. She explained that they had conducted numerous outreach
<br />events in the community with citizens, business owners and individuals, including people who were recent
<br />arrivals at the Riverton Park Church, etc. They were asking the public what transportation meant to them,
<br />what improvements were needed and whether the team captured all their concerns. She stated there will be
<br />further outreach. She said that now is a good time for the PC to weigh in on what had been developed for the
<br />goals and policies.
<br />Ms. Knighton provided additional background information and future implementation plans, which included
<br />completion of a local road safety plan (LRSP). This LRSP will address safety needs while the Transportation
<br />Element traditionally focuses on accommodating growth. Unlike previous Transportation Plans, which
<br />adopted the Transit Network Plan and Walk & Roll Plan by reference, the updated Transportation Plan will
<br />address all transportation -related topics, including transit and non -motorized needs, providing a holistic
<br />picture of transportation needs of the city in one planning document. That Transportation Plan will serve as
<br />the background report for the Transportation Element. Also, the staff and consulting team will be working on
<br />developing a multi -modal level of service (MMLOS) standard, as well as determining future growth
<br />capacity. She stated they are working with DCD to ensure that the housing and land use elements are
<br />coordinated with the Transportation Plan outcomes. She walked through highlights of the goals and policies
<br />of the Transportation Element and identified changes since the previous Plan and addressed questions from
<br />the PC.
<br />PC Recommendation, Questions, and/or Requests for the Transportation Element
<br />- Page 16, policy 2.6, modify to include "maintain and improve sidewalks".
<br />- Page 17, policy 3.8, potentially delete this policy.
<br />- Page 17, connectivity to the community center.
<br />- Page 20, policy 4.4, revisit for modifications.
<br />- Page 20, work with Department of Transportation (DOT) to keep off ramps debris free (possible
<br />implementation strategy).
<br />- Page 21, policy 5.1, may get dated and narrow, modify language. Incorporate Burlington Northern,
<br />broaden who is targeted.
<br />- Page 21, policy, 5.1, bullet 4, modify language.
<br />- Page 26, policy 13.2.9, add language 'and design' following the word speeds (or modify language).
<br />- Page 26, policy 13.2.12, language to support maintenance of tree canopy in the street design - should
<br />this be an implementation strategy (ongoing challenge for maintenance).
<br />- Page 34, policy 13.4.7, add language, "work diligently with (King County Metro) in the Tukwila
<br />south area".
<br />- Page 35, policy 13.4.9, bullet 3, insert language, "Tukwila South" following transit centers.
<br />- Page 38, policy 13.6.3, insert language, "community center" following the word schools.
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<br />Phone: 206-433-1800 • Email: Mayor • Website:
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