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Planning 2025-02-27 Item 3 - Approval of 1/23/25 Minutes
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Planning 2025-02-27 Item 3 - Approval of 1/23/25 Minutes
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Planning Commission Minutes <br />1/23/25 <br />Page 4 <br />Commissioner Durant moved to adopt recommendations and forward itto the CC for their <br />review. Commissioner McLeland Wieser seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />3.Townhouses in the TUC <br />FILENUMBER:L25-0003, E25-0004 <br />PURPOSE:Code amendment to update residentialallowances. <br />LOCATION:Non-ProjectAction/Citywide <br />Senior Planner Neil Tabor gave the presentation for staff. He provided background on the proposed. He <br />statedthis item is on townhouse allowances in the TUC, which is a regional center designated with the <br />Puget Sound Regional Council for future growth, capitalizing on transit infrastructure to reduce car <br />dependency. This center designation under the Regional Growth Strategy makes this area eligible for <br />additional funding that helpsthem transition into denser, transit-oriented development over time. It <br />covers Pierce, Snohomish, King, and Kitsap Counties. Within these counties,centers can be designated <br />wherehigh capacity transitexists,encouragingthe greater use of public transportation. <br />Part of the requirement for a center is that it plans <br />Staff proposes removing townhouses from the list of allowed dwelling types in table 18-2, affecting the <br />TUCRegional Center, Transit Oriented Development,Pondand portions of the Work PlaceZoning <br />Districts. <br />Staffarerequesting that the PC forward a recommendation for the adoption of the proposed redlined <br />language to the CC for their further review and adoption. <br />Staff addressed clarifying questions from the PC. <br />Commissioner Halverson stated that he would propose an amendment, stating he is against removing <br />townhomes from the use in the TUC. <br />Commissioner Durant stated it was mentioned in the staff background report that regional growth <br />strategy designation makes the area eligible for additional funding. She asked if townhomes are not <br />units whether the City of Tukwila would be <br />ineligible for the funding or would it be less accessible to the city. She said the change makes sense to <br />her. Mr. Tabor stated individual use allowances would be unlikely to eliminate funding eligibility, but <br />regulations should be consistent with goals for the center. <br />CommissionerHalverson inquired whether there is any concept to build small townhouse-style <br />residential. <br />Staff said they identified this as something that is inconsistent with the overall goals, which is why they <br />are proposing it. <br />4 <br /> <br />
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