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Planning Commission Minutes <br />1/23/25 <br />Page 5 <br />Staff proposes removing townhouses from the list of allowed dwelling types in table 18-2, affecting the <br />Tukwila Urban Center (TUC) Regional Center, Transit Oriented Development, Pondand portions of the <br />WorkPlaceZoning Districts. <br />There was extensive discussion around this subject. <br />Recommendation <br />Staff are requesting that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation for the adoption of the <br />draft code amendments to the CC for their review. <br />Public Hearing <br />Chair Probst opened the public hearing <br />Staff noted that there were no public hearing comments letters received. <br />There was no public testimony <br />Chair Probst closed the public hearing <br />Deliberations/Motion <br />There was no deliberation. <br />accessory use in the Tukwila Urban Centerinstead of striking them. Commissioner Strander seconded <br />the motion. There was a split decision. <br />Commissioner Halverson moved to forward the split recommendation to the CC for their review. <br />Commissioner Stander seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Staff asked for clarification on how the PC would like to formatthe suggested amendment to change <br />Townhouses to an accessory use. The PC deferred the decision to staff. <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />4.Residential Conversions <br />FILENUMBER:L25-0002, E25-0003 <br />PURPOSE:Code amendment to comply with changes in state law. <br />LOCATION:Non-ProjectAction <br />Senior Planner Neil Tabor gave the presentation for staff. He provided background on the proposed <br />amendment. He statedthat in the 2023legislative session, HB 1042 passed and broadened allowances <br />for conversions of non-residential to residential spaces.Per the Municipal Research and Services Center <br />(MRSC) he went over several of the key provisions of the requirements. He said the intent with this code <br />amendment is to provide consistency with the state law. Also, to provide future allowances that the city <br />can still maintain ground floor commercial space that is required in new use development and identified <br />areas. <br />5 <br /> <br />