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Planning 2012-09-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2012-09-27 Planning Commission - McMicken Court / Work Session
Planning 2012-09-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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9/21/2012 11:12:18 AM
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to the front of the building. The fast floor of the building is designed as commercial space with large -,windows <br />and awnings over the pedestrian path. <br />c1. Pedestrian aml vehicular entries shall provide a high- qualtry visual locus using builcing siting, shapes aml <br />lamiscahing. Such a feature establishes aphysical transition between theproject amlInIblic areas, am/ <br />establishes the initial sense of high qualiry cr'evelopnwnt. <br />The existing enti v is reduced to twenty -four feet and will be shared between this site and the daycare facility to <br />the north. A freestanding sign swill be located adjacent to the drive. A paved pedestrian path swill lead from the <br />sidewalk, around the recreation space and to the walk that surrounds the buildings. <br />e. 1 ehreular circulation cr'esrgn shall nrrnrnrrze crrrvewav intersections with the street. <br />The existing driveway will be shared by the daycare and this nevv development. The access point will be reduced <br />in width and defined by landscaping. The parking that currently exists on the applicant's property for the benefit <br />of the daycare is maintained and integrated into the site design. <br />l: Site perinwter cr'esign (i.e., lamiseaping, structures, aml horizontal wicr'th) shall be eoorclinatecl with site <br />cr'eveloprnent to ensure a har °rnonious transition between acr'jacent protects. <br />Perimeter landscaping is required by code along the front and sides of the parcel. The landscaping on the west <br />side that is adjacent to residential homes is twice as wide (ten feet) than the east side that is adjacent to <br />commercial uses. <br />g. 1'arying degrees ofprivacv for° the imliviclual res0ents shall be provicrCe 1, increasing from the public right- oftival., <br />to eonrnron areas, to inclivichial resiclenees. This can be aeeonrplishecl through the use ofsynrbolie amt actual <br />physical barriers to define the degrees ofhrivacy appropriate to sj)ecific site area functions. <br />Eight of the nine residential units are located on the tsvo upper floors and the one accessible unit is located on the <br />ground level at the rear of the building. The outdoor recreation space is quasi public space with a picnic table <br />available for residents and employees of the commercial spaces. <br />h. Parking am/ service areas shall be located, cIesignecl am/ screened to inter -1°111)t MA/ recr'uce the visual impact of <br />large jmvecl areas; <br />Surface parking is separated by landscape islands eveiv six or seven stalls. The parking and driveway areas are <br />alreadv defined by easements to the benefit of the daycare at the north end of the parcel. Surface parking is <br />distributed over the site which minimizes the visual impact of 38 parking stalls. Trash collection is located in the <br />northeast corner of the building; the trash enclosure is clad in grad split -face CMU stone which is repeated on the <br />sign base and matches the color of the base of the building. <br />i. The height, bulk, footprint am/ scale of each builcing shall be in har °rnony tivith its site and acr'jacent long- ter °rn <br />structures. <br />Buildings in the RCC zone are allowed to be 3 stories or 35 feet. This building is 3 stories and 33 feet tall at the <br />midpoint of the roof'. The footprint is about 4,500 square feet. The other commercial uses immediately <br />surrounding the site include: a 4,300 square foot building to the north currently used as daycare; a 2,700 square <br />foot restaurant to the east (Ulysses) and a 5,000 square feet commercial building to the northeast. The Safeway <br />store is 47,(_)(_)(_) square feet and the strip mall to the east that is 23,(_)(_)(_) square feet are both subject to the City of <br />SeaTac zoning code. The adjacent single family- homes are 1,200 to 1,900 square feet. All surrounding <br />residential structures are one or one -and a half stories. <br />Height is calculated at the midpoint of the roof rather than at the highest point of the roof. <br />SM Page 4 of 10 0.920 2012 <br />Z: DCD n Clerk's PC Laserfiche Packet 09 -27 -12 L12 -019 Design Review Staff Report FIN aLdocx <br />IE <br />
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