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Planning 2012-09-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2012-09-27 Planning Commission - McMicken Court / Work Session
Planning 2012-09-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2. BUILDING DESIGN. <br />a. Architectural style is not restrietecl; evaluation of ahroleet shall be based on the qualiril of its design aml its <br />ability to harmonize buikling texture, shape, lines MA/ mass IVith the sur°rou1141ing neighbor°hoo(r'. <br />This proposal is for a three story traditional style building. The building uses external cladding to describe the <br />interior uses. Chocolate colored lap siding, vs -hite trim and vs -hite vinyl vvindovvs enclose the upper two residential <br />stories. The commercial ground floor is clad in fiberboard panels vvill be painted a dark gray -blue shade called <br />Evening Hush. <br />The applicant has included a ground floor ADA (Americans with Disabilitv Act) unit in this project. The <br />permitted uses in the RCC zone allow "multi family units above office and retail uses" (TMC 18.20.020 7). The <br />Purpose of the RCC zone is stated as "This district implements the Residential Commercial Center <br />Comprehensive Plan designation which allows a maximum of 14.5 dwelling units per net acre. It is intended to <br />create and maintain pedestrian friendly commercial areas characterized and scaled to sell e a local neighborhood, <br />with a diverse mix of residential, retail, seiirice, office, recreational and community facility uses." (TMC <br />18.20.010). The Federal Fair Housing Act requires an accessible unit in a development of this size and requires <br />local jurisdictions to make reasonable accommodations in their rules and policies to accommodate people with <br />disabilities. The proposal includes commercial uses along street front, therefore complies vvith the stated purpose <br />of RCC zone and is consistent with the policies of the Tukwila Comprehensive Plan. <br />b. Builclings shall be ofahhrohriate height, scale, aml design shape to be in harn7ony with those existinghernutnent <br />neighboring cIevelohrnents which are consistent with, or envisionecl in, the C Plan. This frill be <br />e.tihecially irnhor °tart for °her °irneter° structures. Acr acent structures that are not in confor °rnance with the <br />C'onrhrehensive Plan shoulcl be eonsi4lere4l to be transitional. The 41egree ofarehiteetural harnwny require4l <br />shoulcl be consistent with the nonconfor °ruing structure's anticihatecr her °rnanence. <br />This building is 3 stories and 33 feet height. The t adjacent zoning districts, NCC and LDR, both allovv <br />structures up to 35 feet in height. The existing permanent structures are all one stoiv buildings. The building <br />massing is constrained by height limitations and parking requirements. The architectural style is traditional. The <br />residential neighborhood oveisyhehningh consists of small bungalosys syhile the commercial buildings are <br />architecturally undistinguished. <br />e. Builcling eonrhonents, such as wimlows, doors, eaves, harahets, stairs aml creeks shall be integrated into the <br />overall builcing design. Particular° emphasis shall be given to harrnonioushrohor°tions of these components with <br />those of acrlacent cIeveloj)nwnts. Builcling cor47j)onents aml ancillarl'harts Shall be consistent with the anticrhatecl <br />Irfe of the structure. <br />The building components reflect the uses of buildings. The residential portions of the building are clad in lap <br />siding, syhite vinyl vvindovvs, and 3 -tap asphalt shingles. The commercial portions of the building are s�rapped in <br />cement board panels that mimic concrete, have projecting metal awnings, and dark -framed aluminum vvindovvs. <br />cr'. The overall color° scheme shall yvor °k to recr'uce buikr'inghrorninence ancr'shall blencr' in tivith the natural <br />environment. <br />The lap siding on upper stories will be painted dark brown (Behr Chocolate) with Smart White trim. The <br />commercial ground floor will be a painted a blue -grad- hue called Evening Hush and the metal awnings will be <br />painted a lighter grad called Manhattan Mist. The base of the freestanding sign and the trash enclosure will be <br />constructed out of gray colored split -face CMU block. <br />Monotony ofclesign in single or multiple buiklinghrojects shall be cn>oicr'ecl. 1'ar °ierl' of(letail, for °rn, ancr'siting <br />shall be usecl tohrovicle visual interest. Other -wise nronotonous flat walls and unifornr verticalhlanes of in&vOual <br />SM Page S of 10 0.920 2012 <br />Z: DCD n Clerk's PC Laserfiche Packet 09 -27 -12 L12 -019 Design Review Staff Report FIN aLdocx <br />11 <br />
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