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Planning 2012-09-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2012-09-27 Planning Commission - McMicken Court / Work Session
Planning 2012-09-27 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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9/21/2012 11:12:18 AM
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buildings shall be broken up with building n7odulation, stair's, decks, railings, and focal entries. Alultij)le building <br />developments and additional use siting an additional architectural variety to avoid inappropriate repetition of building <br />designs and appearance to surrounding properties. <br />This project involves a single structure. Variation to the vertical plane comes through changes in cladding, the <br />metal awnings that project three feet over the sidessalk and ssindosss that are asymmetrically placed. The vertical <br />planes of each side of the building have modulated projections or recessions of approximately one foot running <br />verticall on each side of the second and third floors. <br />3. LANDSCAPEAND SITE TREATMENT. <br />a. Existing natural topographic patter °ns and significant vegetation shall be reflected in project design tivhen they <br />contribute to the natural beauty of the area or are inwortant to defining neighborhood identiry or a sense of <br />place. <br />The site slopes slightly from the street and then levels off after about fifty feet. The site has a large tree, possibly <br />a Hemlock, located within this sloped area and outside the building footprint and payed areas; the tree provides <br />minimal canopy coverage or natural beauty. To minimize grading and filling on the site, the applicant set the <br />building back from the street nearly fifty feet. The plant palate consists predominately of native plants. <br />b. Landscape treatinent shall enhance existing natrfral and architectrral features, help separate public fiord private <br />spaces, strengthen vistas and nnlportantviews, provide shade to moderate the effects of large paved areas, and <br />break up visual mass. <br />The site is relatively small and constrained by easements to the north and east and a slope from the south. The <br />location of the building on the site requires the recreation area to be placed in the front yard betiseen the building <br />and the street. <br />The applicant expects the rental market to be comprised of young urban professionals. The outdoor recreation <br />space includes a pea patch garden area for the residents to engage in food grossing and gardening. <br />C. Walkivaus, park -ing .~paces, terraces, and otherpcn>ed areas shallpromote safety andprovide an inviting and <br />stable appearance. Direct pedestrian linkages to the public street, to on -site recreation areas, and to adjacent <br />public recreation areas shall be provided <br />Four foot slide ssallcssays line three sides of the building and connect the building entrances to the parking areas, <br />trash enclosure, recreation space and the public sideisalk. The walkways in front of the commercial areas are all <br />covered by assnings. <br />d. Appropr °iate landscape transition to adjoining proper °ties shall be provided <br />The code requires a landscape planting bed twenty feet deep consisting of Tape 1' landscaping along the front <br />perimeter, five feet deep of Type 2 landscaping along the east side, and ten feet deep of Type 2 landscaping along <br />the rear and the east side because it is adjacent to a Loss- Density Residential zone. Additionally, a separated <br />side�salk with trees planted eves 30 feet and groundcover line the street frontage. The rear yard is constrained by <br />a parking and access easement for the parcel to the north. A landscape perimeter is not provided in this location. <br />4. MISCELLANEOUSSTRUCTURES: <br />a. Miscellanu)us str °uctures shall be designed as an integral par °t of the architectural concept and landscape. <br />Materials shall be eon7j)atible with buildings, scale shall be appropriate, colors shall be in harnwnv with <br />The purpose of Type 1 landscaping is to provide a light visual separation between uses and consists of one tree every 30 lineal feet <br />and one shrub every- 7 lineal feet and 90 groundcover coverage within 3 rears. The purpose of Type 2 landscaping is to provide a <br />moderate visual separation between uses and consists of one tree every- 20 lineal feet, one shrub every- -5 lineal feet and 90 <br />groundcover coverage within 3 years. <br />SM Page 6 of 10 0.920 2012 <br />Z: DCD n Clerk's PC Laserfiche Packet 09 -27 -12 L12 -019 Design Review Staff Report FIN aLdocx <br />12 <br />
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