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builclings and surrounclings, and str'uctur'e 7)r'o7)or'tions shall be to scale. <br />Miscellaneous structures consist of a trash collection area, a bike rack for 4 bikes, a picnic area and a freestanding <br />sign. The trash collection area and the base of the freestanding sign syill both be constructed from gray split face <br />CMU block. <br />While not described on the plans, the applicant discussed and shoves on Attachment B lighted sign boxes mounted <br />to the tops of the awnings for the use of the three commercial tenants. <br />b. The use oftivalls, fencing, planting, ber °ins, or° combinations of these shall accomplish screening ofser vice yarn's <br />and otherhlaces that tencl to be unsightly. Screening shall be effective in tivinter° and sururner <br />The east side of the property- has an existing chain link fence on the property- line that will remain. Ten feet of <br />perimeter landscaping will screen and separate this project from that adjacent residence. The trash collection area <br />spill be constructed from split face CMU block that swill mirror the gray color used on the base of the building. <br />e Mechanical egiiihrvrent or other utiliril harcr'ware on roof gr-ouncl or' 8uilclings shall be sereenecr fr-orvr view. <br />Screening shall be clesignecl as an integral7)art of the archrtectrfre (i.e., rarsec11)ara7)ers and frilly enclosed iincler <br />roof) and lamiscahing. <br />Mechanical equipment consists of heat exchangers and electrical boxes located on the east side of the building. <br />Their location was included in the landscape plan with shiubbeiv used to screen them from view. The adjacent <br />building to the syest backs to the project on this side and is further screened by a five foot tall cedar fence along <br />the property- line. <br />cl. Exterior lighting stanclarcls and fixtures shall be of a design aml size consistent with safeol, builcing architecture <br />and acljacentarea. Lighting shall be shielclecl and restrained in design tivith no off site glare .~hill -over. Excessive <br />brightness cover' brilliant color s shall not be used unless clear °lv demonstrated to be integr °al to building <br />architecture. <br />Site lighting is provided on the building and from the tivo streetlights on the public right -of -way. The project <br />involves installing one nest' streetlight. Light levels are shosyn on Attachment C; the building mounted lighting <br />does not spill onto adjacent properties. The building mounted light fixture is shown on Attachment D. <br />In addition to the specific criteria of the Board ofArehiteetural Review, 7)ro7)osecl cIevelo7)nwnt rvrustshow consistency <br />with adohtedhlans and regulations (18.100.030 TMC.) Below are the .tihecificholicies from the adopted Comprehensive <br />Plan that relate to the location of the 1)rol)osal. <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES <br />B. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CENTER (RCC) ZONE <br />Goal 7.7: 'Residential Conwwreial Centers that bring srvuill eorvuvrereial concentrations into existing residential <br />neighbor °hoods to improve existing residential areas tivhile lvrovichriglvroclucts and services to nearby residents <br />1. The Clevelolvrnent achieves alveclestrian transition between buildings, streets and acrjacentivrolverties (7.7.5). <br />Sidewalks are created across the public frontage and pedestrian paths connect the sidewalk to the building and <br />each commercial space. <br />2. The development incorporates small -scale pedestrian amenities such as benches and canopies, to convey the <br />impression of a residential center and community focal point (7.7.8). <br />A picnic bench is includes in the recreation space, syhich is located in front of the building. The picnic bench <br />and the entire recreation area is not fenced in and intended to be available to both residents and employees and <br />guests of the commercial spaces. <br />SM Page 7 of 10 0.920 2012 <br />Z: DCD n Clerk's PC Laserfiche Packet 09 -27 -12 L12 -019 Design Review Staff Report FIN aLdocx <br />13 <br />