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COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GUIDELINES: <br />The proposal meets the applicable goals of the comprehensive plan. This mixed -use building incorporates <br />commercial spaces to sell e the surrounding residential uses and includes residential design features to incorporate <br />into surrounding residential neighborhood. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the BAR adopt the Findings and Conclusions as noted in this staff report and approve the request <br />subject to the following conditions. <br />The trash enclosure and sign base shall be made from gray split face CMU. This detail is not called out on the <br />plans. <br />2. Add a second color to the second and thud floors in addition to the Chocolate color. The new color shall be <br />applied to the inset /projecting vertical sections to increase the appearance of modulation and to break up the <br />visual mass of the upper stories. <br />Conditions of approval that will be added to the future Building Permit: <br />1. No changes to the Design Review approved plans and conditions will be allowed without prior approval of the <br />Planning Department, these include changes to the exterior finishes of the building, landscaping (both design and <br />plant species), site plan, and site finishes. If you wish to make any changes you must submit a written request <br />along with a justification for the requested change and an explanation as to ivhv the issue ivas not addressed as <br />part of the design review process. <br />2. All design elements on the building and the site, including landscaping must be completed prior to final <br />occupancy The city will not allow the design elements to be deferred; all items must be completed before final <br />inspection. It is highly- unlikely that the city will consider financial guarantee in lieu of completing the work. <br />3. A soils inspection will be required after amending the soil, but before any plants are installed. <br />4. An inspection to approve the exterior finishes (materials and colors) is required before doing any exterior finish <br />work, to ensure that the finishes approved as part of the design review process are being used. <br />5. Prior to requesting a landscaping inspection the applicant shall provide an affidavit from the landscape architect, <br />stating that the landscaping Nvas installed per approved plans. As part of the landscaping inspection you will need <br />to verify that the irrigation system is working properly-. <br />Informational Items <br />A sign permit is required for any new signs on the site including building mounted signs. TMC 19.20.05017 says <br />that canopy edge signs are limited to a single row of letters not to exceed twehre inches in height. Therefore, light <br />boxes would not be allowed and channel cut letters would be required. <br />2. This Design Review is subject to a 14 day_ appeal period. Commencing construction prior to the expiration of the <br />appeal period is at the applicant's risk. <br />SM Page 10 of 10 0.920 2012 <br />Z: DCD n Clerk's PC Laserfiche Packet 09 -27 -12 L12 -019 Design Review Staff Report FIN aLdocx <br />Ir. <br />