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and afford an opportunity to engage Nyith other members of the community. <br />2. Building Design. <br />This project can be vievved as a harbinger of future development envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan. The <br />building is larger and taller than the existing development but it is within the size limitations established in the code <br />and it is located on the site in such a Nyay as to minimize the appearance of its mass. The applicant originally <br />proposed a modern or contemporaiv styled building and changed the design to this more traditional style in an <br />attempt to harmonize with the surrounding residential neighborhood. The use of residential -type finish materials on <br />the residential portions of the building and commercial materials on the commercial portions is effective to illustrate <br />the uses of the building and integrate well into the overall building design. The use of vertical modulation of the <br />walls on the upper floors creates visual interest. The use of one color on the upper stories diminishes the ability to <br />distinguish the modulation and increases the building's prominence. Using a second color on these projecting or <br />receding features on the upper stories could draw attention to the modulation, increase the visual interest, and <br />decrease the appearance of a large vertical surface. Adding a second color to the upper stories should be a condition <br />of approval. The applicant has proposed using split -face CMU block for the sign base and trash enclosure. This <br />detail is not called out on the plans and should be added as a condition of approval. <br />Including a ground floor accessible unit allovvs the applicant to meet the requirements of the Federal Fair Housing <br />Act (FHA). To meet the code requirement of residential above commercial uses would require an elevator, which <br />Nvould make the project economically infeasible. Locating an accessible unit on the ground floor meets the purpose <br />of the code and is consistent Nyith the purpose of the zoning district and the comprehensive plan and necessary for <br />FHA compliance. <br />3. Landscaping and Site Treatment. <br />The existing mature Hemlock tree provides vein limited canopy- coverage and does not contribute to the natural <br />beauty of the site. While the tree can possibly be preseiired, grading and utility Nyork may harm the tree and its <br />location is a hindrance to creating a functional recreation space. Staff supports removing the existing Hemlock tree. <br />Recreation space often involves play structures or other items for children. The recreation space includes a pea patch <br />that can be used by either adults or children and supports the current trend of urban farming. Placing the required <br />recreation space in the front of the building will increase the opportunity- for residents to interact with other members <br />of the neighborhood. <br />The planting beds meet the requirement for depth but the applicant increased the plant material to approximately <br />twice the plant material required by code. A predominately native plant palate decrease Nyatering needs although <br />irrigation is still required and provided. Pathways lead around the building and to the public street; the paths <br />adjacent to the building are covered with avvmings. <br />4. Miscellaneous Structures. <br />The final size of the sign and sign base be verified for code compliance -,yhen the applicant applies for a sign <br />permit. The applicant discussed building the trash enclosure and sign base out of grad- CMU block to mirror the grad- <br />color of the building's base. This material is not called out on the plan and should be added as a condition of <br />approval. The applicant verbally discussed sign light boxes mounted on the avvnings for the commercial tenants. <br />Canopy-edge signs (signs mounted above or along the edge of a canopy) are regulated under the sign code. TMC <br />19.20.05017 says that canopy edge signs are limited to a single roNy of letters not to exceed tvvelve inches in height. <br />Therefore, light boxes would not be allowed and channel cut letters would be required. This is a code requirement <br />and does not need to be a condition of approval. <br />The miscellaneous structures, including a bike rack, picnic area, wall and freestanding signs, and trash collection <br />area all meet code. <br />SM Page 9 of 10 0.920 2012 <br />Z: DCD n Clerk's PC Laserfiche Packet 09 -27 -12 L12 -019 Design Review Staff Report FIN aLdocx <br />15 <br />