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City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />Planning Commission (PC) Public Hearing Minutes <br />Date: August 23, 2(_)12 <br />Time: 6:30 PM <br />Location: City Hall Council Chambers <br />Present: Brooke Alford, Chair, Thomas McLeod, Vice Chair, Commissioners, Louise Strander, David <br />Shumate, Mike Hansen, Sharon Malin, and Cassandra Hunter <br />Staff: Nora Gierloff, Deputy Director, Lynn Miranda, Senior Planner, and Wvnetta Bivens, Planning <br />Commission Secretaiy <br />Chair Alford opened the public hearing at 6: PM. <br />Nora Gierloff, Deputy Director, Department of Community Development introduced the two new Planning <br />Commission Members, Sharon Mann, and Cassandra Hunter. <br />The Planning Commissioners introduced themselves to the new PC members. <br />Minutes: Additions to 6/28/12 minutes Commissioner Strander requested the following three items <br />which she raised questions on at the 6/28/12 meeting to be added to the minutes to reflect her <br />questions. :(1) Regulations on the maximum block size, (2) Neighborhood corridors, street <br />designation, and (3) Regulations for public frontage. <br />Revision to 6/28/12 minutes Commission McLeod requested that on the bottom of page 1, that <br />the last line of text, which reads, "to something more understandable" be revised to read, "not <br />limited specifically- to four sided buildings <br />Commissioner McLeod made a motion to approve the 6/28/12 minutes as amended. <br />Commissioner Hansen seconded the motion, all were in favor. <br />Chair Alford swore in those that wished to testify. <br />Lynn Miranda, Senior Planner, Department of Community Development gave some background on the <br />planning process for the Southcenter Plan. The process started in the rear 2000, with a 1.5 million dollar <br />grant that the City received to create a plan for the Urban Center. Staff looked at existing conditions from <br />2(_)(_)5- 2(_)(_)8, held six workshops, and a number of City Council and Planning Commission Nvorksess ions. The <br />first draft of the document was completed in 2008 -2009, which was sent back by the PC for more work. The <br />current draft is the revised version of the plan. The overall project goals were, consistency with State and <br />Count policy regarding Urban Centers, keeping Southcenter competitive and active, accommodate the 2(_)3(_) <br />growth targets mandated by Bing County, look at improvements needed to support the plan, develop and <br />implement regulations and guidelines to help achieve the plan, and look at the potential environmental <br />impacts from implementation of the plan. A brief overview was also provided on the public hearing <br />documents. Ms. Miranda directed people to the vvebsite for documents or more information. <br />TESTIMONY: <br />Martin Durkan Jr. spoke on behalf of the Desimone Mellon Trust of New York kvho has property in <br />Tukwila. Mr. Durkan provided the PC with two handouts. He said that currently the proposed threshold for <br />public hearing Design Review is for developments that have over 20 units and he is requesting that <br />Administrative Design Review be allowed for projects with up to 5t_) units before public hearing Design <br />Page 1 of 5 <br />