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PC Public I fearing Minutes <br />August 23, 2012 <br />Review is required. Also, he requested that the proposed provisions for parking reductions within btu) feet of <br />the transit center at Longacres be increased to one quarter mile (1, ft.). <br />Commissioner Hansen provided the reference numbers on the two sections of the code that Mr. Durkan is <br />requesting changes to: 18.28.0u04, addresses the number of units for Design Review, and 18.28.091, the <br />parking requirements. (should be 18.28.020C and 18.28.260.B.5, respectively) <br />Staff responded to questions raised by Commissioner Mama regarding setbacks within 1()' of the ordinaiv <br />high water mark, which was raised in the documentation handed out bN- Mr. Durkan. <br />Brent Carson, Attorney, representing VanNess, Feldman, Gordon Derr, said that they had serious concerns <br />with past drafts of the plan. He said in the past rear staff has gone above and beyond, making sure they <br />communicated with the stakeholders and engaged them in creating the draft plan. He said the current draft <br />really represents an excellent compromise that can achieve the City's objectives, and enable Westfield to <br />continue to invest in the mall. Mr. Carson said they support staffs recommended changes in the matrix. He <br />said that they are requesting one change, in section 18.28. (_)31(_)C2, regarding limited design modifications to <br />existing structures kyhen expansions occur. Mr. Carson said that staff recommended a new example be added to <br />the matrix in the architectural concept design criteria D, they are requesting that the last sentence of the quoted <br />section be deleted, and they would support the idea of adding the example. He thanked the staff for their hard <br />work on the plan and for working to achieve all of the objectives. <br />Commissioner Strander asked how the mall would be affected by the finer grain streets proposed in the plan. <br />Mr. Carson said they believe they would be able to comply with those standards. As drafted, it would not <br />adversely affect their ability to develop. <br />Joe Desimone said that he urges the City to have development standards that are consistent with other <br />communities to make businesses more viable and develop economics. He said he wants to protect the <br />environment, promote uses that are more public transit oriented, and allow for economic development at the same <br />time. Mr. Desimone made the following suggestions: reducing the parking requirements for the first quarter mile <br />from transit stations to one parking space per residential unit; having a standard that encourages people to walls; <br />increasing the building height up to 70 ft. in order to increase the number of properties that can have waterfront <br />views, which would be selling points. He said Tul-,Nvila does not have this type of amenity. He asked for the <br />opportunity to bring back some of the mixed uses that are in the current zoning code, such as brew pubs, sports <br />bars, and night clubs, which he said is important because 80% of the inquiries for their property in the Strander <br />Blvd area and West Valley Highway is for these tN of uses. He said that could mean an 8(_)% chance of adding <br />new businesses, increasing development, generating more employment and revenue for Tukwila in challenging <br />economic times if the uses are allowed to continue. He also said empty spaces mean more crime, etc. He said <br />until there is mixed use development there will not be investments in infrastructure improvements. Mr. <br />Desimone said these areas of mixed use development would be for businesses that can't afford rent in the mall <br />area. He also pointed out there is no threat of flooding in the area. He suggested that the City hold off on changes, <br />and allow the property owners in the Stander Blvd area and West Valley Highway to keep the same type of uses <br />they currently have until the market is better. <br />Commissioner McLeod asked Mr. Desimone how long he's been doing business in Tukwila, and thanked him <br />for his passion. <br />Commissioner Strander asked staff to clarify whether Acme Bowl would fall in the TOD or the regional center. <br />Also she inquired on uses that would not be alloyed in the proposed plan, and <br />Jamie Balint, Council, for Segale Properties, highlighted concerns on issues raised in the documentation that she <br />handed out. She asked that staff be directed to revise the TUC Plan, because she said it inconsistent with the <br />direction given by the Council. Ms. Balint raised the following issues with the plan: The Council's request to <br />convert the design standards to guidelines; scaling back on the requirements of the TUC Plan; the current plan <br />creates a disincentive for development in the City or improvements to existing businesses; financing to build; <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />2 <br />