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BAR Hearing Minutes <br />March 22, 2012 <br />Commissioner McLeod inquired whether the project will look incomplete if Phase II is not constructed: The <br />recommended conditions will ensure that Phase I looks like a completed project. <br />Commissioner Alford asked, what is driving staff's recommendations. <br />Mike Overbeck, the applicant, stated that he does not have any issues with the required conditions. He <br />confirmed that the fence will be constructed on the south side of the site. He explained it was always his <br />intent to construct the project in phases, and provided explanation on why the project was delayed. He said <br />from his perspective the only thing that is really changing is the installation of the road, the fact that the road <br />does not continue, and the construction of the two recreation spaces in Phase II instead of Phase L Mr. <br />Overbeck stated he wants the Commission to know that he takes pride in the community and that it's <br />important to him that the project leaves a mark. <br />TESTIMONY: <br />There was no public testimony. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />The BAR deliberated. <br />MOTIONS: <br />COMMISSIONER HANSEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE CASE NUMBER L12 -005 DESIGN <br />REVIEW /MAJOR MODIFICATION AND CASE NUMBER L08 -079 PRELIMINARY <br />SUBDIVISION AMENDMENT IN PHASES WITH STAFF'S FINDING, CONCLUSIONS, <br />RECOMMENDATIONS AND ALL CONDITIONS. COMMISSIONER STRANDER SECONDED <br />THE MOTION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. <br />COMMISSIONER MCLEOD MADE A FRIENDLY MOTION TO AMEND COMMISSIONER <br />HANSEN'S MOTION AND RECOMMENDED APPROVAL IN PHASES; IN ADDITION <br />AMENDING NEW APPROVAL CONDITION 1, AS ADVISED BY STAFF, WITH THE <br />FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: "THE LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO FINAL <br />INSPECTION OF THE FIRST UNIT THAT IS CONSTRUCTED; AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL <br />FOR PHASE I CAN BE ISSUED WITH A BOND FOR LANDSCAPING." COMMISSIONER <br />HANSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. <br />COMMISSIONER STRANDER MADE A FRIENDLY MOTION TO AMEND COMMISSIONER <br />HANSEN'S MOTION AND RECOMMENDED APPROVAL IN PHASES; IN ADDITION <br />AMENDING NEW APPROVAL CONDITION 3; TO THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: "AS PART <br />OF PHASE ONE, A WOOD PERIMETER FENCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AROUND THE <br />SIDES AND REAR OF PHASE I PROPERTY." COMMISSIONER HANSEN SECONDED THE <br />MOTION. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. <br />Director's Report: Another Design Review project will come before the BAR for review in April. <br />Submitted By: Wynetta Bivens <br />Planning Commission Secretary <br />Adjourned: 7:40 PM <br />Adopted: 4/26/12 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />