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Planning 2012-05-24 Minutes - Work Session - Development Agreement Procedures / Book 2 of Draft Southcenter Plan
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Planning 2012-05-24 Minutes - Work Session - Development Agreement Procedures / Book 2 of Draft Southcenter Plan
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PC Worksession Minutes <br />May 24, 2012 <br />Topic: Review Revised Book 2 of the Draft Southcenter Plan <br />Lynn Miranda, Senior Planner, Department of Community Development, provided some <br />background on the revised Plan. She gave a recap on Book 1, and the three basic parts. Books 1, 2, <br />and 3 have been reorganized. Book 1 the long range vision, and Book 3 the recommended City <br />implementation actions have been combined into one, which is now called the Southcenter Sub -area <br />Plan Background Report. Book 2 the Development Regulations has been changed and is called the <br />Draft TMC Chapter 18.28, which will replace the existing Tukwila Urban Center Zoning chapter. <br />The Architectural Guidelines that were formally part of Book 2 will be separated out, and called the <br />Southcenter Architectural Design Manual, which will only have guidelines and recommendations for <br />building structures. Staff said that ninety percent of the codes for the TUC will reside in one chapter <br />now. <br />The previous draft code was more of a traditional form based code that was very prescriptive. In response, <br />the stakeholders and the City Council expressed an interest in providing more incentives for change and a lot <br />more flexibility in how the regulations are applied to new development. This new draft code reflects that <br />direction. <br />Staff has met intensively with key stakeholders (Westfield Mall, Target Representatives, and Sears <br />Representatives) to develop the type of regulatory language that will help city staff, and the stakeholders. The <br />current revisions to date have been reviewed and accepted by the key stakeholders. <br />Staff has prepared a matrix of the stakeholder's comments, staff's responses, and shows how the plan has <br />changed or how comments were addressed. This document is available for review on the City's website. <br />CHANGE: <br />Design Review Process: <br />Because the following areas are more pedestrian oriented a lot of changes were made on how Design Review <br />will occur in the Regional Center, the TOD, the Pond, and the Commercial Corridor Districts. <br />REVISIONS: <br />Projects that will be reviewed by the BAR type 4 decisions: <br />New non residential structures that are greater than 25,000 sq. ft. in size <br />New residential containing greater than 20 dwelling units, including mixed used residential <br />Exterior expansions greater than 25,000 sq. ft. <br />During design review, the new standards and guidelines in Chapter 18.28 (Book 2) will be used, and the <br />Southcenter Architectural Design Manual, which will provide more guidance. <br />The Work Place District was separated out, the current design regulations will have minimum changes <br />New residential, including mixed use greater than 20 dwellings in the work place district will be <br />evaluated by the BAR- using the new Southcenter Architectural Design Manual, as well as the new <br />zoning code. <br />New construction or new exterior expansions greater than 25,000 sq. ft. will use the new zoning code <br />standards and guidelines, with the existing design criteria currently in the code (TMC 18.60.050). <br />What's new in the Draft 18.28? <br />Street scape standards, site design, and building modulation, and transparency requirements. Regulations are <br />organized by district and corridor, and there are also regulations that apply to all properties that are not district <br />or corridor based. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />
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