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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila "s Urban Center <br />GOALS AND POLICIES <br />The following goals, policies, and strategies have been formulated to reflect the established vision <br />for Southcenter. These policies will help achieve the desired form and function of Tukwila's urban <br />center over the 30 to 50 -year planning period. <br />These goals and policies cover the issues of land use, urban development, and transportation and <br />circulation. They aim to develop and protect the long -term economic and environmental <br />sustainability of Southcenter by creating an attractive and functional environment to live and <br />recreate, as well as retain its reputation as a good place to work, shop, and do business. <br />Goal 10.1 Land Use <br />Southcenter will contain an intense, diverse mix of uses, which will evolve over time. The character <br />and pace of this evolution will be set by a combination of guidelines, regulations, incentives, market <br />conditions, and proactive private /public actions which reinforce existing strengths and open new <br />opportunities, and the desire for a high quality environment for workers, visitors, and residents. <br />Land Use Policies <br />10.1.1 Recognize Southcenter as a regional commercial /industrial area, with opportunities for <br />high quality, mixed use transit oriented development, including housing, served by a <br />balance of auto, pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities. (Figures 24 and 25) <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />Expand the areas where residential uses are permitted. <br />Figure 24 Envisioned high density development in Southcenter <br />6 W. long Range ProjectslSouthcenter PlanlPlan 20111FINAL PC RECOMMENDED DOCS Oct 20121FINAL <br />Ch10 -TUC PCVersion CLEAN 10.16.12.docx <br />12 <br />