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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />a <br />Figure 25 Envisioned medium density development in Southcenter <br />10.1.2 Public and private investment shall facilitate and encourage overall growth and <br />redevelopment in Southcenter. <br />10.1.3 Tukwila Urban Center (Southcenter) "Districts." Southcenter encompasses a <br />relatively large area containing a wide variety of uses. To create a more coherent urban <br />form and enhance the Center's long -term competitive edge within the region guide <br />development and change to create distinct areas where the character, forms, types of uses <br />and activities benefit, complement, and support each other. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />Public Amenities Plan. <br />Development regulations that allow appropriate building heights within each district. <br />Design guidelines that promote a high quality urban environment and facilitate a <br />range of pedestrian activity, where appropriate. <br />Transit service and station improvements, as coordinated with transit providers. <br />Utilize flexible zoning regulations to allow uses including residential, retail and light <br />industrial, where appropriate for each district's purpose. <br />Develop regulations to address setback and lot coverage restrictions that allow for <br />future street expansions, new streets and other circulation improvements. <br />Design Review standards to enforce quality landscape and design. <br />10.1.4 Tukwila Urban Center (Southcenter) Residential Uses. A large percentage of the <br />City's future housing needs will be accommodated in the urban center in order to <br />preserve our existing residential neighborhoods. Allow residential development in <br />proximity to water amenities or within walking distance of the Sounder commuter <br />rail/Amtrak station or the bus transit center, subject to design standards and incentives. <br />Planning Commission Recommended Draft, October 2012 7 <br />13 <br />to shelter petlestrions by mossinp and tle Vailinq Y ���J flow <br />