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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY <br />Develop standards and incentives for providing a variety of different types of open <br />spaces (e.g., plazas, parks, public private) that are used to attract residential <br />development and, as the area intensifies, balance out the increasingly dense <br />environment. <br />Use access to transit facilities and amenities to instigate surrounding residential and <br />mixed use development. <br />Goal 10.2 Urban Development <br />Encourage and allow a central focus in the northern portion of the Southcenter area. Throughout <br />Southcenter, the natural and built environments are attractive, functional, environmentally <br />sustainable, and distinctive, and support a range of mixed uses promoting business, shopping, <br />recreation, entertainment, and residential opportunities. <br />Urban Development Policies <br />10.2.1 Natural Environment. Recognize, protect, and enhance the open space network by <br />augmenting existing parks, enhancing access to passive and active recreation areas such <br />as Tukwila Pond, Minkler Pond and the Green River; and by improving air and water <br />quality and preserving natural resources; thereby effectively integrating the natural and <br />built environments in Southcenter. In addition, recognize that open space amenities are <br />attractors for a wide range of uses, including housing and office. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />Seek opportunities for public /private partnerships <br />Promote use of indigenous plant materials <br />Promote use of water saving plant materials <br />Promote use of plant materials with wildlife habitat value <br />Implement the Master Plan and water quality improvement program for Tukwila <br />Pond Park <br />10.2.2 Green River. In conjunction with the City's Shoreline Master Program and flood <br />protection goals for the Green River, as Southcenter redevelops maintain or improve the <br />River's visual and physical accessibility for residents, workers, businesses and civic life, <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />Develop a vegetation plan for the mid -slope bench of the levee that ensures view <br />corridors are maintained at appropriate intervals when sections of the levee are set <br />8 W. long Range ProjectslSouthcenter PlanlPlan 20111FINAL PC RECOMMENDED DOCS Oct 20121FINAL <br />Ch10 -TUC PCVersion CLEAN 10.16.12.docx <br />Ell <br />