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PC Hearing Minutes <br />February 28, 2013 <br />Ms. Fox summarized the work plan for the GMA- required 2015 comprehensive plan update that had been <br />presented to CAP on 2/25/13. She discussed the elements proposed for review as 2013 annual amendments: <br />Shoreline narrative, Utilities, Transportation, Capital Facilities, Natural Environment and possibly <br />Community Image. The focus of these updates will be changes needed to meet new state requirements, <br />correction of out of date information, and incorporation of direction from the Strategic Plan as well as editing <br />and formatting for greater readability and ease of use online. In 2013, public participation will be provided <br />through open houses, hearings, mailings and information provided through the web site and articles in the <br />Hazelnut and Tukwila Reporter. The remaining elements will be reviewed in 2014, with work completed <br />prior to the June 30, 2015 deadline. <br />There was discussion about the need for additional work sessions for briefmg on the comprehensive plan <br />elements and staff agreed to propose dates and determine the one that worked for the greatest number of <br />commissioners. <br />Chair McLeod asked if there was interest in changing the standard meeting time from 6:30 to either 6 or 7 <br />PM. There was not a consensus on a different time so the meeting start will remain at 6:30. <br />Ms. Gierloff gave a presentation about the regional Growing Transit Communities project. It is a planning <br />effort aimed at making the best use of the current investments in transit infrastructure and is funded by a $5 <br />million dollar grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The emphasis is on <br />making sure that the transportation benefits are shared equitably and that intensified, transit oriented <br />development is promoted within a half mile radius of stations. <br />Staff provided an update on the environmental review of the Southcenter Plan which includes analysis of a <br />higher intensity option in the Regional Center and TOD districts for Council review. <br />Action Items: <br />• Staff to provide a copy of Ms. Fritzel's presentation, information about the planning short course in <br />Fife, link to the MRSC web site, and a link to the comprehensive plan memo and schedule presented <br />to CAP. <br />• Staff will provide possible work session dates and schedule one that works for the greatest number of <br />commissioners. <br />Adjourned: 8:25 PM <br />Submitted By: Nora Gierloff, Deputy DCD Director <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />2 <br />