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PC Public Hearing Minutes <br />September 27, 2012 <br />Ian Hamad, the applicant, addressed questions from the Commission. <br />TESTIMONY: <br />Mark Schober testified on behalf of his mother, the owner of the property leased to the daycare that is <br />adjacent to the applicant's property. Mr. Schober said there is going to be a major parking impact for the <br />daycare since the parking currently available is in use, and the additional parking will not be enough to <br />accommodate the needs. He said that he is proposing that Council review how the parking will impact <br />currently existing businesses. Mr. Schober also expressed concern for the children's safety. <br />Barbara Schober, Owner of the property adjacent to the applicant's property, stated that her concern is <br />regarding the parking. She said the easement agreement allows the daycare staff and clients to park there <br />from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. She also expressed that those individuals parking in the easement at night will not <br />have their cars moved prior to 6:00 AM for daycare use. Ms. Schober concluded with the comment that she is <br />happy that Mr. Hamad wants to construct a nice facility, and she wants to work with him, but she does not <br />think there will be enough parking. <br />Mr. Hamad, the applicant, responded by stating that there is parking in the easement that is not being used <br />currently. He said that the Schober's are not operating the daycare, but they are the property owners. Mr. <br />Hamad said that he involved the individuals who run the daycare in the planning, and in a meeting with them <br />discussed where to locate the fence and sharing a sign. He also said that when he met with the daycare <br />operators they actually commented that they would have more parking. He said parking was never an issue so <br />he is surprised at the Schober's argument. In response to Commissioner Mann's questions, Mr. Hamad said <br />they could assign parking and construct signage to make tenants and visitors aware of the parking hour's <br />restrictions. <br />Mr. Schober stated that the parking on the site is currently being used. <br />There was no additional public testimony. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />The PC deliberated. <br />Commissioner Mann asked if staff could require a condition of the permit indicating that the easement <br />parking is for the daycare's use between the hours of 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Staff indicated the criteria could <br />be reviewed to see if the request could be linked to a criteria. (No action was taked regarding this inquiry.) <br />Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve Case Number L12 -019 with staff's finding, <br />conclusions, recommendations, and conditions. Commissioner Mann seconded the motion. All <br />were in favor. <br />Chair Alford called a 10 minute recess. <br />Chair Alford reconvened at 7:58. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSESSION <br />Southcenter Plan review. <br />Lynn Miranda, Senior Planner, Department of Community Development, went over the proposed <br />recommendations to the planning documents. <br />The following revisions were incorporated in the various sections of the Plan. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />