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Planning 2012-09-27 Minutes - Public Hearing / Work Session - McMicken Court / Southcenter Plan Review
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Planning 2012-09-27 Minutes - Public Hearing / Work Session - McMicken Court / Southcenter Plan Review
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PC Public Hearing Minutes <br />September 27, 2012 <br />Southcenter Comprehensive Plan Chapter Issues Matrix: <br />• Page 12, Goal 10.2. - Added verbiage: `Environmentally sustainable ", to the Comprehensive goals on <br />urban development section. <br />Southcenter Sub -Area Plan issues Matrix: <br />• Page 15, 1.4. In the Comment Matrix Illustration item E, - revised and strengthened language for — the <br />Regional Center Vision, and forwarded to Westfield for their review. <br />• Page 25, 4th comment- response to Commissioner Strander's inquiry regarding a road diet: Before a road, <br />diet is put into place more detailed analysis of impacts will be done. <br />Commissioner Strander provided some additional feedback and also asked some additional questions <br />pertaining to on- street parking, road diets, bike lanes, and how it's going to affect the level of service on the <br />roads. She asked to revisit this issue, regarding doing extensive studies on the impact of traffic. She said she <br />wants more information about putting in a bike lane, on- street parking, narrowing two lanes of traffic either <br />direction into one with a middle turn lane. <br />Commission Stander stated she is not comfortable with the road diet vision, she suggested striking all <br />language pertaining to a road diet, such as the following language, "Undergo a road diet to provide on -street <br />parking and bike lanes ", on page 25 and page 45 -46 (1.6.21C — pg. 45) <br />After extensive discussion and as a result of a suggestion made by Commissioner Hunter, the following <br />sentence will be added to page 25 and page 46, ( <br />"A traffic impact analysis would be required to determine if the road diet would create (or exacerbate) <br />roadway congestion or level of service problems elsewhere in the roadway system prior to making changes." <br />AND; <br />Deleting the sentence at the end of the paragraph on page 46, "Additional engineering is required before these <br />projects can move forward." <br />The Planning Commission was in consensus with the following changes: <br />• Districts. Request for a different name for the `Work Place District'. There was not a recommendation <br />for a different name, so a suggestion was made to explain that the PC didn't come up with any ideas for <br />re- branding the area, but that they felt the Work Place District is not the appropriate name, and it could be <br />revisited at a later date. Staff will add an implementation strategy to 10.2.12 Economic Development in <br />the Comprehensive Plan, calling for a rebranding of urban center districts. <br />• Page 44, 4"' bullet item, replace the language "shall" with "may ". <br />• Page 48, Delete language, "rubber tired" <br />Southcenter Design Manual Issue Matrix: <br />• Page 2, 1.D. — Add a fourth design example under this criterion to clarify that an existing building <br />may be modified to match a new addition. <br />• Page 19, 8A.Strike language: `Buildings shall be four- sided ", meaning that ". <br />• Page 28 -29, 10D. Add language: Large multi - tenant buildings may have multiple main entrances. <br />• Page 30, 10 E & El. Change language to read: All service centers, associated loading docks, and <br />storage areas "should" be located to the side or rear of a building instead of "shall", and if they do <br />have to face the public street locate them in the least visible location or screen them with <br />landscaping. Delete "shall be used ". <br />• Page 30, 11.A.2, strike language: "and translucent awnings with interior lighting ". <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />
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