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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />Planning for a regional uUrban centers as defined by the Countywide Planning Policies earns <br />preferential treatment are also given priority by 400-transit providers for fixed -rail transit service and <br />other transit service and facility improvements. The idea is to help ensure the long -term economic <br />viability and competitiveness of urban centers in the region as energy costs escalate, congestion <br />increases and consumer preferences shift. <br />Tukwila is also designated as a Core CM, under Vision 2040. Core cities are major cities with <br />regionally designated growth centers. They are intended to accommodate a significant share of <br />future growth, contain key hubs for the region's long -range multimodal transportation system, and <br />are major civic, cultural and employment centers within their counties. <br />-In 2002, the C'ityTukwila began a planning process to createinii an urban center -plan for the <br />Southcenter area. A primary focus of If he Plan was focused on retaining the urban center's <br />competitive edge and economic strength as retail development grows within the region. V1t that <br />time, the City recognized that an urban center of regional significance creates benefits for all of <br />Tukwila. <br />The City held six public workshops and found that participants supported the following <br />concepts.ideas: <br />1) Making the Southcenter area a more attractive destination for shopping and leisure <br />activities; <br />2) Relieving critical congestion points, improving circulation, and making alternative <br />nodes of transportation available; <br />3) Supporting existing businesses and attracting new; and, <br />4) Creating opportunities for residential development in appropriate areas. <br />It was proposed that an initial catalyst of pPublic investment in key areas would be needed to <br />leveragewill support progress towards their community's vision of enhanced and diversified <br />economic vitality. <br />The Southcenter element policies et forth in this Comprehensive Plan element support and <br />expand4004 the qualities of the existing center that have been responsible for itsgenerated its <br />economic success in the past, and expand on these characteristics._ <br />• -Land use polices focus. on are flexibileity in and to support diverse00000 uses. <br />• Urban design policies provide implements the community's vision for the community, to be <br />achieved through public and private sector initiative and cooperation. <br />• Site and streetscapeTransportation and circulation policies emphasize accessibility as a key <br />factor, as well as choice in transportation nodes and route >. <br />These policies will reinforce future competitiveness and will create an urban center that gives <br />identity to the City. for the surrounding neighborhoods and for the region. <br />2 Z:IDCD n Clerk'sIPC Laserfiche Packet105 -23 -13 PC Packet110 -TUC PC Berk with Staff edits.docx <br />May 2013 <br />12 <br />Comment [LM2]: Links to the Strategic Plan <br />around the goal of a diverse & regionally <br />competitive economy. <br />