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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />ISSUES <br />The area comprising Southcenter currently provides regional comparison shopping, major discount <br />shopping, major facilities for incubator businesses, entertainment, and a full range of professional <br />services. It encompasses includesmore intensely developed areas such as Westfield Southcenter <br />Mall and Andover Industrial Park, transportation facilities such as the Sounder commuter <br />rail /Amtrak station, and natural features and amenities such as Tukwila Pond, Minkler Pond, and <br />the Green River. <br />Retail uses dominate Southcenter; Westfield Southcenter Mall, in the northwest corner of the <br />center, is the largest regional shopping mall in the Seattle area. Warehouse uses are more prominent <br />in the area to the south. <br />A goal of growth management is to integrate housing,- 4 job growth, and services in order to <br />reduce the need for long commutes, and to keep living and working communities easily accessible <br />to each other. As a significant employment center, Southcenter already is considered a significant <br />employment center within the Puget Sound region, providest g jobs to residents and nearby <br />communities. However, considerable residential development is needed in the urban center to meet <br />the City's housing targets. Consequently, tThe vision for Southcenter responds byincludes <br />expandedi g opportunities for housing, accommodating the majority of the City's projected housing <br />needs, and addressing the types of amenities and infrastructure needed to attract quality housing and <br />create a connected, dynamic urban environment. <br />The vision for Southcenter takes into account the King County Countywide Planning Policies <br />criteria for urban centers and has been formulated by recognizing that "the intent of the Countywide <br />and responds to local needs and markets for jobs and housing" (Kin- Count Ordinance No. 11'146, <br />Section D2, lines 25 28). <br />The goals and policies of this element recognize that Southcenter's path forfuture of- higher- density <br />growth will take place during and beyond the 20 -year horizon of the Countywide Policies. While <br />urban centers play an integral role in the regional vision, the Countywide Policies clearly delineate <br />t 4require the form and function of these centers w4-1--to be determined at the local level. <br />characteristics of Southcenter are compared with the King County Countywide Planning Policies in <br />Figure 22. <br />T <br />Planned for 210 years- <br />Total land area of up to 1.5 square miles (1,11110 <br />Requires 15,000 employees within one half <br />mile (walking distance) of n transit center <br />4 Average of 50 employees per gross acre <br />Southcenter is approximately 1.35 square miles <br />The ar a is planned to allow this density. <br />Southcenter is planned to allow this density. <br />raft May 2013 <br />13 <br />Comment [LM3]: Moved some of this to <br />Purpose section. <br />Comment [LM5]: Moved to new background <br />report. This section probably holds little interest <br />for the average reader. <br />Formatted: Body Textl,b, Left <br />Comment [LM4]: In background report, <br />updated language based on 2010 amendments <br />to Countywide Planning Policies <br />Formatted: Body Textl,b <br />Formatted: Body Textl,b <br />Formatted: Body Textl,b <br />Formatted: Body Textl,b <br />13 <br />