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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />10.2.48 Building Design. Promote high quality, <br />with attention to standards and guidelines whichthat: <br />architecture in Southcenter, <br />- Promote an appropriate display of scale and proportion; <br />- Give special attention to developing pedestrian- oriented features and streetfront <br />activity areas such as ground floor windows, modulated building facades, and rich <br />details in material and signage; <br />- Provide quality landscape treatment; <br />- Provide an appropriate relationship to adjacent sites and features and; <br />- Encourage overall building quality, and sensitivity to, and respect for, the area's <br />important natural amenities such as the Green River and Tukwila Pond. <br />Include property owners in developing urban design guidelines to ensure that the intent <br />of this policy is met. <br />10.2.409 Signage. Develop a directional sign program to aid pedestrians, bicyclists, and <br />motorists in wayfinding through Southcenter. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />• Identify appropriate design guidelines and locations for directional signage for <br />shopping, access to amenities and leisure activities, in order to alleviate congestion <br />in key corridors and intersections_ <br />10.2.9 Parks, Open Space, and Public Ameniticsl. Support plans, policies, <br />projects, and programs to expand and improve the parks, open space, and other <br />amenities in the Tukwila Urban Center Southcenter and seek opportunities to <br />develop new facilities that enhance the overall experience of employees, residents, <br />business owners, and visitors. <br />Implementation Strategies <br />• Design guidelines that ensure that uses and structures adjacent to parka recognize <br />and complement open spaces and public amenities <br />• Prepareww standards w and wguidelines for_pParks and open spaces that wensurcw with access <br />to sunlight, a sense of security, seating, landscaping, accc cibility, and connections <br />to surrounding uses and activities <br />f Develop strategies for public private partnerships that will result in public open <br />epaccs to serve as focal points and settings for special events and activities <br />I ....Coordinate with Tul wila' sww Parks and ?Recreation Department wwtoensure thatw, <br />Southccnter sparlws andopcn space nccdswarc lntcgr ttedwwinto the Parks Plan. <br />• Lncourage programs for open space and other public amenities (Figure 30) <br />Comment [LM 271: Deleted - confusing <br />Comment [LM281: Moved 10.2.9 to wherever <br />parks and open space goals will be <br />consolidated. <br />Comment [LM29]: Moved these first 3 bullet <br />pts to wherever parks and open space goals will <br />be consolidated. <br />Comment [LM30]: Moved to implementation <br />strategy bullet under 10.2.1. Natural <br />Environment <br />Comment [LM31]: Moved this bullet to <br />wherever parks and open space goals will be <br />consolidated. <br />ra f„May 2013 15 <br />25 <br />