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TUKWILA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Southcenter, Tukwila's Urban Center <br />10.2.57 Parking. Ensure an adequate supply of parking for visitors, employees, residents and <br />customers. Provide a variety of flexible regulations, strategies and programs to meet <br />parking demands. On -going needs shall also be assessed to ensure appropriate parking <br />requirements and to encourage efficient and effective use of land in parking design <br />(Figure 29). <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />• Conduct a public parking structure feasibility study, including siting, potential <br />funding sources and mechanisms. <br />• Investigate alternative parking strategies such as shared parking, transit tradeoffs, <br />etc. <br />• Look for opportunities for on- street parking in areas planned for higher pedestrian <br />activity, particularly in the TOD Districts <br />• Develop appropriate standards and guidelines for parking design and layout to <br />support the type of development envisioned in each of Southcenter's districts. <br />11, mania <br />Figure 29 — Landscaping in parking areas <br />• actor pedestrian safety and convenience into parking lot design standards. Require <br />safe and direct pedestrian connections from sidewalks to building entrances. <br />• Continue Commute Trip Reduction Programs and other Transportation Demand <br />Management Programs. Incorporate the Growth Transportation Efficiency Center <br />(GTEC) into transportation and land use planning in Southcenter <br />14 Z:IDCD n Clerk'sIPC Laserfiche Packet105 -23 -13 PC Packet110 -TUC PC Berk with Staff edits.docx <br />May 2013 <br />24 <br />Comment [LM26]: Combined two <br />implementation strategies <br />