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Tukwila Tree and Environment Advisory Committee — Meeting Notes <br />e. Development patterns and expectations for growth in Tukwila (housing permits, Tukwila Urban <br />Center /Southcenter Plan, Tukwila South Master Plan) <br />f. General City budget levels <br />g. Next steps and future meeting topics <br />Action Items <br />1. City will provide links to the following maps for the Committee's review and use and will try to have the <br />maps printed and mounted for the next meeting: <br />a. Comprehensive Plan <br />b. Zoning <br />c. Parks <br />d. Sensitive Areas <br />2. The City will provide a list of the top 5 to 10 issues that staff considers important for the Committee to <br />consider by November 1. <br />3. Committee members will each develop a list of 5 -10 key questions or topics they would like to explore <br />and will send them to Carol by November 1. <br />4. City will provide results of previous analysis of possible locations for stream daylighting projects (as <br />mentioned in existing Comp Plan policies. <br />5. City will revise /correct the meeting table (schedule and topics) that was handed out at the meeting. <br />The meeting closed at 8:15 pm. <br />SW Page 2 of 2 06/10/2013 1:38 PM <br />W:\ \Long Range Projects \Urban Forestry\Advisory Committee \Meeting Materials \Meeting 1 Notes <br />96 <br />