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PC Work Session Minutes <br />Determining an LOS for pedestrians and bikes presents a challenge, despite work done <br />through the federal grant. For example, results showed that in some areas we have an <br />LOS C, although we actually have no pedestrian or bicycle facilities in that location. <br />We are trying to implement projects from Walk and Roll, while we work on new <br />methodology for determining MMLOS. <br />Commissioner McLeod used the example of Starfire, where people park over the river <br />and somehow walk to the site without sidewalks to ask if this is what was meant by <br />"having no service ?" <br />Cyndy used the example of Southcenter Boulevard west of City hall. Analysis <br />indicated an LOS D on both sides of street even though there is a sidewalk on one side <br />only. <br />The 2005 Transit Network Plan was developed by the City with the last Transportation <br />Element update with focus groups, etc. It was not updated for this update.An exciting <br />development is that we are now working on design and work for the undersized bus <br />facilities at the Westfield Southcenter Mall. Expanding and relocating this stop was the <br />top priority from the Transit Network Plan. Once it is complete, Tukwila will have a <br />really nice on- street transit center, perhaps the only one in the area. <br />GMA requires us to plan under fiscal constraint. Revenue forecasts anticipate $71 MM <br />to $105 MM over next 20 years. Thru the impact fee ordinance, multiple zones have <br />been established so that transportation impacts to a certain area are paid for by fees in <br />that area. <br />Cyndy referred to the project list in the Transportation Background Report. Priority A <br />projects are those that are needed to maintain our current LOS levels (sidewalks, roads, <br />transit.) Tukwila can afford to construct projects on this list during the 20 -year <br />planning period given our current priorities. On average, the City must spend $4 <br />MM /year to maintain our LOS. The City must also construct the projects on the B list, <br />but that goes beyond our expected funding ability. More funding is needed. Priority C <br />list projects are also very important, but we don't think we need them or are likely to <br />build them before 2030. <br />$85 to $187 MM additional revenue is needed, which is about $4.8 MM additional per <br />year. Available revenue includes all the taxes that are earmarked for <br />roadway /transportation projects. Tukwila has been very successful at getting grants, <br />and has also used bonds and impact fees to fund transportation projects. However, <br />new revenues are needed or we will need to modify our vision. <br />Commissioner McLeod asked about ideas for new revenue sources. <br />Cyndy explained that a range of new funding sources was palatable to a greater or <br />lesser degree. For example, Tukwila could consider a B & 0 tax, transportation benefit <br />6 <br />Rf Z: \DCD \PC minutes- -5.21 & 5.23\5-2 1 -13- -Work Session Minutes.doc 6/20/2013 <br />