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Planning 2013-06-27 Item 3 - Adoption of Minutes - 4/25/13, 5/21/13 and 5/23/13
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2013-06-27 Planning Commission - Comprehensive Plan: Natural Environment Element / Shoreline Element
Planning 2013-06-27 Item 3 - Adoption of Minutes - 4/25/13, 5/21/13 and 5/23/13
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PC Work Session Minutes <br />districts, or assess the option to increase local sales tax. Grants are harder and harder to <br />get. Tukwila could consider more voter - approved general bonds or councilmanic <br />bonds. Local Improvement Districts are not the tool for all projects, since they must <br />prove special benefit. LIDs can be effective for larger projects. Tukwila could consider <br />reciprocal agreements w /neighboring jurisdictions to share impacts of projects. A <br />specific transportation fee could be assessed, similar to the Revenue Generating <br />Regulatory License which is a per employee fee. She acknowledged that none of these <br />possibilities are easy. The choices are to find additional funding, accept slower growth <br />or more congestion. <br />The Comprehensive Plan provides clear policy direction but we have inadequate <br />funding to achieve this. The Capital Facilities element states that without enough <br />funding we will need to slow growth, change LOS or find new funding sources. All <br />modeling shows that we fall short, so we need to do something. <br />The Transportation Improvement Plan has good projections and we also make <br />projections yearly with the Planning staff. Tukwila is not in dire straits today, but will <br />be at some point. Cyndy recommends that policy direction is needed before a budget <br />decision is needed. In any event, she feels this topic is worthy of discussion, whether or <br />not there's policy direction. <br />Commissioner Hansen asked how the actual traffic flow on Klickitat has turned out vs. <br />the traffic projections prior to project construction. <br />Cyndy described expectations that the buttonhook off ramp would be at extreme LOS F <br />with backups onto freeway without the project. Projections also showed extreme delays <br />from people wanting to go left onto Strander after coming off the buttonhook, and <br />stopping traffic on peak hours. With today's project, it's hard directly compare. <br />Southbound traffic doesn't stop at the signal. Northbound has dramatic improvements. <br />The buttonhook is no longer able to make the left turn on to Strander, so that both <br />hazardous driving conditions and LOS are addressed. The Nordstrom signal gets more <br />traffic, but conditions are still in C and D range. Although she thinks that Tukwila will <br />be able to make LOS goals beyond 2030, she couldn't anticipate if what would happen if <br />Tukwila South traffic becomes a problem once that area is eventually developed. <br />Commissioner Hansen remarked that people tend to find alternate routes to level out <br />traffic. <br />Cyndy commented that all today's modeling may show growth in different ways, such <br />as residents of the Circuit City project foregoing cars. <br />Commissioner Strander inquired if the Background Report by Fehr and Peers is online? <br />Rebecca replied that there was a link in staff report if more detail was desired. <br />7 <br />Rf Z: \DCD \PC minutes- -5.21 & 5.23\5-2 1 -13- -Work Session Minutes.doc 6/20/2013 <br />
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