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Planning 2013-06-27 Item 3 - Adoption of Minutes - 4/25/13, 5/21/13 and 5/23/13
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2013-06-27 Planning Commission - Comprehensive Plan: Natural Environment Element / Shoreline Element
Planning 2013-06-27 Item 3 - Adoption of Minutes - 4/25/13, 5/21/13 and 5/23/13
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PC Work Session Minutes <br />Commissioner McLeod stated that he doesn't favor head tax or sales tax on businesses <br />to generate new revenue since it isn't popular. He suggested that the best way to <br />generate new revenues is to create environments and destinations where people want to <br />be. He used the example of I -Fly and Bicycles West now being located adjacent to each <br />other, and forming a destination. He asked about the City's creating a public /private <br />partnership w/ REI at Tukwila Pond, or the possibility of using vacant warehouses to <br />attract art and entertainment. He feels that Tukwila needs destinations for <br />entrepreneurs. <br />Cyndy stated support for visionary documents that guide us, but indicated that Public <br />Works staff always asks how to make this happen. Her desire is to give the Planning <br />Commission sufficient background to have some idea of the ramifications of vision. <br />There are many ways to change this, perhaps more incentivizing certain types of <br />activity that will change current lifestyles or ways of travel. But, under what we know <br />today, there is an issue for funding and we must be aware of that as we make policy <br />recommendations. <br />Commissioner McLeod noted the relative lack of bus routes serving the Community <br />Center, and asked if there is a currently an effort to increase public transportation there. <br />Cyndy said that she was not aware of anything specific to TCC. King County Metro <br />wants to provide routes where there are destinations and patrons. We can try to bring <br />this forward to guide them in future, but right now it's a challenge since King County is <br />having its own problems. <br />Commissioner McLeod asked if there were any further talks about light rail at Boeing <br />Field. <br />Nora replied that there is a policy about looking for a station at Boeing Field. Although <br />Tukwila brings this up at regional meetings, momentum is to extend service areas <br />rather than going back and adding stations. The Boeing Field station is not as big a <br />priority for Sound Transit as it is for us, we are trying to keep it on their radar. Transit <br />goal, Policy 1,.4.1 states: Support and encourage the location of a light rail stop at Boeing <br />Access Road. (P 23 of strikeout /underline version.) <br />Commisioner Maestas inquired about the option to deny /delay /reduce new growth if <br />sufficient funding is not available. He wanted to know how does new growth not fund <br />itself? How would we increase funding in relation to new growth since it doesn't fund <br />itself? <br />Cyndy explained that the transportation impact fee program assesses new growth to <br />pay for new growth. This doesn't necessarily always pay for itself, and this is by <br />design. There is hesitation to pass on full cost of growth. Tukwila doesn't want to set <br />fees to low or too high, but it's a balancing act that doesn't always achieve that <br />directive. <br />8 <br />Rf Z: \DCD \PC minutes- -5.21 & 5.23\5-2 1 -13- -Work Session Minutes.doc 6/20/2013 <br />
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