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DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA <br />The project is subject to a Public Hearing Design Review under Tukwila Municipal Code (TMC) Chapter 18.28.070. The <br />Board of Architectural Review evaluates the project under the criteria established in TMC 18.60.050 C. The design <br />criteria explain requirements for development proposals. They are the decision criteria from which the Board will <br />evaluate whether to approve, condition, or deny this project. <br />The applicant's response to the design review criteria is Attachment A. Below is the staff analysis and response. <br />1. SITE PLANNING. <br />a. Building siting, architecture, and landscaping shall be integrated into and blend harmoniously with the <br />neighborhood building scale, natural environment, and development characteristics as envisioned in the <br />Comprehensive Plan. For instance, a multi family development's design need not be harmoniously integrated with <br />adjacent single-family structures if that existing single-family use is designated as "Commercial" or "High - <br />Density Residential" in the Comprehensive Plan. However, a "Low- Density Residential" (detached single-family) <br />designation would require such harmonious design integration. <br />The proposed project lies in the Tukwila Urban Center. The City's Comprehensive Plan envisions the area as a <br />regional urban center with a desire for development as a high density, regionally oriented and a mixed use center. <br />The proposed restaurant maintains the development pattern that was established on this site in the 1960's with a <br />building set back from the street edge surrounded by parking. Since the project is being developed over the <br />existing foundation, this pattern will not change. However, the new restaurant is oriented to the north, facing <br />Tukwila Parkway. <br />b. Natural features, which contribute to desirable neighborhood character, shall be preserved to the maximum <br />extent possible. Natural features include, but are not limited to, existing significant trees and stands of trees, <br />wetlands, streams, and significant topographic features. <br />There are no natural features on the site. <br />c. The site plan shall use landscaping and building shapes to form an aesthetically pleasing and pedestrian scale <br />streetscape. This shall include, but not be limited to facilitating pedestrian travel along the street, using <br />architecture and landscaping to provide a desirable transition from streetscape to the building, and providing an <br />integrated linkage from pedestrian and vehicular facilities to building entries. <br />The site design is pre- existing. The new building will be built on the existing foundation. <br />d. Pedestrian and vehicular entries shall provide a high - quality visual focus using building siting, shapes and <br />landscaping. Such a feature establishes a physical transition between the project and public areas, and <br />establishes the initial sense of high quality development. <br />The site design is pre- existing. The new building will be built on the existing foundation. When the site was <br />redeveloped in 2010, a pedestrian connection was created from Andover Park West along the south side of the site <br />where it connected with a new pedestrian connection that runs from the building to the south toward Seafood City <br />and the mail Mall building. <br />e. Vehicular circulation design shall minimize driveway intersections with the street. <br />The site design is pre- existing. The new building will be built on the existing foundation. <br />f Site perimeter design (i.e., landscaping, structures, and horizontal width) shall be coordinated with site <br />SM Page 3 of 9 <br />Z:ADCD n C1erk's\PC Laserfiche Packet\L13 -012 Buffalo WW DR SR.docx <br />07/17/2013 <br />