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b. Buildings shall be of appropriate height, scale, and design /shape to be in harmony with those existing permanent <br />neighboring developments which are consistent with, or envisioned in, the Comprehensive Plan. This will be <br />especially important for perimeter structures. Adjacent structures that are not in conformance with the <br />Comprehensive Plan should be considered to be transitional. The degree of architectural harmony required <br />should be consistent with the nonconforming structure's anticipated permanence. <br />The building is one story and twenty -eight feet tall at its highest point. The TUC zone allows for buildings up to <br />115 feet tall. The scale is similar to the building that is proposed to be replaced and similar or lower in height <br />than the surrounding buildings. The finish materials of brick, metal, and EFIS can be seen on surrounding <br />buildings such as the Southcenter Mall (brick and EFIS) and iFly and Acme bowl (metal). <br />c. Building components, such as windows, doors, eaves, parapets, stairs and decks shall be integrated into the <br />overall building design. Particular emphasis shall be given to harmonious proportions of these components with <br />those of adjacent developments. Building components and ancillary parts shall be consistent with the anticipated <br />life of the structure. <br />The building components reflect the contemporary style of the building. The size of the windows was increased <br />and sills were added to enhance openings and add additional relief. The parapet wall screens the rooftop <br />mechanicals and is setback from the main plane of the building except on the front wall where the parapet and the <br />entrance wall are integrated into the same surface. A covered patio runs the length of the building on the west <br />elevation. <br />d. The overall color scheme shall work to reduce building prominence and shall blend in with the natural <br />environment. <br />Brick is used to clad portions of the building to reflect the Northwest design vernacular. The building colors <br />include black, shades of gray, red brick, and yellow. The yellow color has been reduced to an accent color from <br />the initial proposal where it covered over half the east elevation. <br />e. Monotony of design in single or multiple building projects shall be avoided. Variety of detail, form, and siting <br />shall be used to provide visual interest. Otherwise monotonous flat walls and uniform vertical planes of individual <br />buildings shall be broken up with building modulation, stairs, decks, railings, and focal entries. Multiple building <br />developments shall use siting and additional architectural variety to avoid inappropriate repetition of building <br />designs and appearance to surrounding properties. <br />In addition to three different textures (stone, stucco, and metal), the building, has the materials applied <br />asymmetrically across the building faces. <br />3. LANDSCAPE AND SITE TREATMENT. <br />a. Existing natural topographic patterns and significant vegetation shall be reflected in project design when they <br />contribute to the natural beauty of the area or are important to defining neighborhood identity or a sense of <br />place. <br />The site design is pre- existing. The new building will be built on the existing foundation. The site perimeter <br />includes a row of mature trees on the northern perimeter and a double row of mature trees on the eastern site <br />perimeter. Redevelopment of the parking lot included preservation of the majority of these trees. <br />b. Landscape treatment shall enhance existing natural and architectural features, help separate public from private <br />spaces, strengthen vistas and important views, provide shade to moderate the effects of large paved areas, and <br />break up visual mass. <br />SM Page 5 of 9 <br />Z:ADCD n C1erk's\PC Laserfiche Packet\L13 -012 Buffalo WW DR SR.docx <br />07/17/2013 <br />