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dispenser to each island, providing an additional six fueling positions. Existing signage on the canopy is proposed to be <br />replaced by new canopy signage, which will be reviewed through separate sign permit(s). The fueling island canopy is <br />proposed to be extended the cover the new gas dispensers. The area of the canopy extension is 29-feet by 88-feet. Site <br />design changes are proposed to improve circulation within the fueling facility. Landscape areas and parking will be <br />reconfigured to accommodate an expansion of the vehicle queuing area. Six parking spaces will be removed with the <br />proposed reconfiguration. Some of the equipment associated with the fueling facility will be relocated to landscape areas. <br />Costco Optical was built in 1997, as a result of subdividing the Home Depot site that is immediately to the south. The <br />original building design was approved via a public hearing design review in October, 1996, with construction in 1997. An <br />addition to the optical facility was approved in 2008. After a design review hearing in 1998, Costco gas station was built <br />immediately to the east on the same lot. An extension of the gas station which included one fueling island with two <br />dispensers and a canopy was approved in 1999 through a shoreline substantial development permit and a minor <br />modification to the design review. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />No public comments have been received. <br />DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA <br />The project is subject to a Public Hearing Design Review under Tukwila Municipal Code (TMC) Chapter 18.28.070. The <br />Board of Architectural Review evaluates the project under the criteria established in TMC 18.60.050 B. The design <br />criteria explain requirements for development proposals. They are the decision criteria from which the Board will <br />evaluate whether to approve, condition, or deny this project. <br />The applicant’s response to the design review criteria is Attachment A. Below is the staff analysis and response. <br />1.Relationship of Structure to Site <br />a)The site should be planned to accomplish a desirable <br />transition with streetscape and to provide for <br />adequate landscaping and pedestrian movement; <br />This project represents the expansion of an auto- <br />oriented use. Pedestrians within the fueling facility <br />are limited to customers in the immediate vicinity of <br />the fueling dispensers and fueling facility employees. <br />Pedestrian movement is accommodated around the <br />perimeter of the fueling facility on sidewalks located <br />on the north and east sides of the project site. These <br />sidewalks are separated from the fueling facility by <br />perimeter landscaping. Additional shrubs are proposed within the north and east landscape perimeter areas to fill <br />in gaps in the existing hedge. The proposed reconfiguration of parking spaces and curbed landscape areas will <br />provide physical separation of employee parking areas from vehicle queuing areas to help keep pedestrians out of <br />the fueling facility area where the vehicle maneuvering and idling engines characteristic of a gas station do not <br />create an amenable pedestrian environment. <br />b)Parking and service areas should be located, designed and screened to moderate the visual impact of large paved <br />areas; <br />Existing perimeter landscaping works to screen the fueling facility from adjacent streets and properties (see <br />pictures on the next page). Additional landscaping is proposed to provide separation between the fueling facility <br />and the employee parking area, and will help to break up the large expanse of pavement proposed to <br />accommodate fueling facility vehicle queuing areas for the fueling facility and employee parking areas. <br />JR Page 3 of 11 08/14/2013 <br />H:\Design Review\Costco Gas Station\SR_L13-038 Costco Fueiling Facility Expansion.docx <br />9 <br /> <br />