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Planning 2013-08-22 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2013-08-22 Planning Commission - Costco / Red Lobster / Seasons 52
Planning 2013-08-22 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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8/15/2013 2:32:11 PM
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East Perimeter Landscaping along SperryNorth Perimeter Landscaping along Costco Dr. <br /> <br />South Perimeter Landscaping along Home <br /> Depot Property <br />c)The height and scale of each building should be considered in relation to the site. <br />The existing canopy is 17’6”feet in height, and the canopy expansion will match the existing height. Roofs and <br />canopies within proximity to the project site range between 12’ and 21’ 4” in height. The height of the canopy <br />expansion is much lower in height than what is allowed by the zone, and is similar in height to surrounding <br />buildings. <br />The 2,552 square foot canopy expansion will be added to the west side of the existing canopy, bringing the total <br />square footage of the fueling canopy to 6,392. The area of the canopy on the west side of the northernmost fueling <br />island will not be expanded. This will have the effect of creating modulation and reducing the scale of the canopy <br />extension. The scale of the fueling canopy is consistent with surrounding warehouse retail and industrial <br />buildings, including the Costco Warehouse to the north and the Home Depot to the south. <br />2. Relationship of Structure and Site to Adjoining Area. <br />a)Harmony in texture, lines and masses is encouraged; <br />The canopy extension will use the same materials and will be of the same design as the existing canopy area. The <br />existing canopy is comprised of columns faced with a gray colored rough-textured concrete block (split-face <br />CMU) and metal panels making up the canopy fascia. <br />b)Appropriate landscape transition to adjoining properties should be provided; <br />Additional shrubs are proposed along the north and east landscape perimeter to fill in areas where there are gaps <br />in the existing landscaping. There are no other changes proposed to landscape areas on the perimeter of the <br />project site. A new, continuously curbed landscape area is proposed which will run along the west and south side <br />of the vehicle queuing area of the fueling facility, and will serve to separate the Costco Optical facility and <br />pedestrians associated with the employee parking area from the fueling facility. <br />JR Page 4 of 11 08/14/2013 <br />H:\Design Review\Costco Gas Station\SR_L13-038 Costco Fueiling Facility Expansion.docx <br />10 <br /> <br />
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