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Planning 2011-11-10 Minutes - Walk and Roll / Southcenter Plan Comprehensive Policy
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Planning 2011-11-10 Minutes - Walk and Roll / Southcenter Plan Comprehensive Policy
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City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />Planning Commission (PC) Minutes <br />Date: November 10, 2t )11 <br />Time: 6:')0 PM <br />Location: City Hall Council Chambers <br />Present: Brooke Alford, Chair, Thomas McLeod, Vice Chair, Commissioners, David Shumate, Aaron <br />Hundtofte, Mike Hansen, and Jeri Frangello- Anderson <br />Absent: Commissioner Louise Strander <br />Staff: Nora Gierloff, Deputy- DCD Director, Lynn Miranda, Senior Planner, Jaimie Reavis, Assistant <br />Planner, and Wynetta Bivens, Planning Commission Secretaiy <br />Chair Alford opened the vvorksession at 6: PM. <br />Minutes: Commissioner McLeod made a motion to adopt the October 27, 2(_)11 minutes. Commissioner <br />Shumate seconded the motion. The motion vvas unanimously approved. <br />Jaimie Reavis, Assistant Planner, Department of Community Development gave an overview on the City's <br />non motorized Transportation Plan, which included projects and programs to support walking and bicycling. <br />She gave background on why the City developed the plan, research of the plan, the seven major <br />recommendations of the plan, implementation to date, and next steps. <br />Lynn Miranda, Senior Plainer, Department of Community Development provided a broad oveiirievv of the <br />Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies, which all Cities are required to update by 2015. The Comprehensive <br />Plan dictates public policies pertaining to landuse, transportation, utilities, recreation, etc., over the next <br />tkventy or more years. Tukvvila's Comp Plan was developed in 1994, and it was updated in 2(_)(_)4 in order to <br />develop the sub -urban plan. <br />Changes were discussed on the following: <br />Southcenter Tukwila Urban Center (STUQ previously known as the Tuk vila Urban Center (TUC). <br />The nevv name provides a name for a destination for the Southcenter area. <br />Purpose Sets the context for why the planning changes are occurring, such as what is Vision 20/20, <br />N-, hat is Bing County Planning Policies, and how it relates to the City's Urban Center Plan. <br />Issues Describes the current and emerging issues to be addressed. It provides nevv language pertaining <br />to accommodating housing and job groiNlh targets. <br />Comparison Table Southcenter characteristics Vs. Bing County Planning Wide Policies. The Plan's <br />recommendations will permit densities, meet or exceed the required Countywide polices, and also provide <br />incentives such as a SEPA Planned Action to encourage developers to develop in the STUC opposed to a <br />different urban center. <br />Vision Statement 30 -50 year vision for a high density- area with regional employment. The changes <br />provide more definition to the nevv development and nevv types of development, such as a focus on mixed <br />use, more pedestrian friendly areas, and access to transit. <br />Boundaries Due to Tukwila Valley plans, the boundai area vvas revised to exclude portions of <br />that area. <br />What are the Goals and Policies: <br />The goals are considered aspirational statements, broad expressions of the community_ 's desires. The <br />policies are broad statements that set preferred courses of actions for the community. <br />Page n of 3 <br />
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