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Planning 2012-02-23 Minutes - Code Amendments
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Planning 2012-02-23 Minutes - Code Amendments
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City of Tukwila <br />Planning Commission <br />Planning Commission (PC) Minutes <br />Date: Febnuai 23, 2012 <br />Time: 6:')0 PM <br />Location: City Hall Council Chambers <br />Present: Brooke Alford, Chair, Commissioners, Louise Strander, Mike Hansen, David Shumate, Aaron <br />Hundtofte, and Jeri Frangello- Anderson <br />Absent: Vice Chair, Thomas McLeod <br />Staff: Nora Gierloff, Deputy- DCD Director, Minnie Dhaliival, Planning Supeilrisor, and Wynetta <br />Bivens, Planning Commission Secretaiy <br />Chair Alford opened the public hearing at 6: PM. <br />Minutes: Commissioner Strander made a motion to adopt the Januaiy 26, 2(_)12 Planning Commission <br />minutes. Commissioner Hansen seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br />SPECIAL PRESENTATION: <br />Antony Ritch, Regional Senior Vice President, Development, Westfield Shopping Mall, gave a presentation <br />regarding the mall's vision at the request of the Planning Commission. Mr. Ritch expressed their pride in being a <br />true partner and investing in the community. He said that it is through the shed visions and partnerships that <br />they are able to achieve the best results for the community, customers, retailers, and investors. Recentiv, <br />Southcenter Nvon a "gold" award for the mall expansion. Mr. Ritch said the award is a veil prestigious award in <br />the industry, and was a real compliment to the City, and the team, for the remodel accomplislmient, wluch was <br />achieved under the City's current planning codes. <br />Westfield became in involved with the TUC Plan in 2(_)(_)2, and is interested in continuing to work with staff on the <br />revised draft TUC Plan. They have some concerns with the original TUC Draft, which they_ have discussed with <br />staff. They feel that the proposed development regulations are not economically viable for developers. Concern <br />vvas expressed with the vvav the code \vas ANTitten in the previous draft. And also with the following language, <br />`the shopping industiv shift is away from internal focused malls to more open air malls', Westfield felt the <br />previous draft Plan was far too prescriptive, and could be an issue for redeveloping the assets with a veil specific <br />form of development. A Canadian pension ftmd investor has purchased the largest ever real estate investment <br />with Westfield for a =45 percent stake of Southcenter and a number of other development assets. Mr. Ritch said <br />they look foi xvard to continuing to invest in Southcenter and being part of the next evolution of Tuk vila. <br />Mr. Ritch said they do not want to discourage investors. He stated that they share the vision for the Southcenter <br />region to become more diversified with residential and office uses. They want to work with the City, but they <br />need assurance that the infrastructure is in place. Public transportation, the roads, and connectivity are extremely <br />important. However, they can't continue to invest if there is a risk that retailers and investors are going to go <br />elsewhere due to better planning environments in wluch they can Nvork, and this is a major concern. Mr. Ritch <br />said that Westfield looks foiNvard to receiving the next draft of the Plan and participating in conversations. He <br />said the results of the Southcenter remodel have been fantastic, and they are veil proud to say that Southcenter is <br />extremely strong and has come through the recession in a vein solid fashion, and they think that the product is <br />truly world class. <br />Commissioner Hansen, said that he concurs with many of the things Mr. Ritch said, and he believes it's the right <br />direction for the TUC Plan. Mr. Hansen said Westfield is the engineer for Southcenter, moving foiNvard. He said <br />Page 145 <br />
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