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Planning 2016-11-10 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2016-11-10 Planning Commission Public Hearing - TMC Chapter 18.52 Landscaping Code Update / SEPA Application
Planning 2016-11-10 COMPLETE AGENDA PACKET
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2016 Draft Landscaping Code <br />13. For NCC and RC zoned parcels in the Tukwila International Boulevard District, the �ront _ - Commented [CLIO]: This language added to be <br />landscaping may be reduced or eliminated if buildings are brought out to the street edge to form consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policy 8.4.2 for Tukwila <br />a continuous building wall, and, if a primary entrance from the front sidewalk as well as from l International Blvd. <br />off - street parking areas is provided. <br />18.52.030 Landscaping ITypesl ( Commented[ CLll]:Mixofl8.28.230andnewtext. <br />A. General Standards for All Landscaping <br />Commented [CL12]: New section that consolidates the <br />language describing Types I, II, and III landscaping that was <br />1. Trees <br />repetitive------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------J <br />a. Trees shall be spaced based on the stature tree selected (small, medium or large <br />stature of tree), excluding curb cuts and spaced regularly, except where there are <br />conflicts with utilities. <br />b. Large and medium stature tree species are required, per the Tukwila approved Tree <br />list, except where there is insufficient planting area (due to proximity to a building, <br />street light, above or below ground utility, jetc�.) or the planned tree location does not <br />- <br />(Commented [CL 13]: From second sentence of 18.28.240 <br />permit this size tree at maturity. <br />l B.1. i. <br />2. Shrubs: Shrubs shall be spaced based on the mature size of the plant material selected <br />and shall achieve a continuous vertical layer within three (3) years. <br />3. Groundcover: <br />a. Sufficient live groundcovers of varying heights, colors and textures to cover, within <br />three (3) years, 100% of the yard area not needed for trees and shrubs. <br />b. If grass is being used as the groundcover, a four (4) �oot� diameter ring of bark mulch <br />Commented [CL14]: Revised by committee to increase <br />is required around each tree. <br />size of ring from three feet tofour. <br />4. Bioretention may be used as a Type I or II landscape perimeter, provided the intent of the <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />screen is achieved. To support bioretention facility function and plant survival, flexibility in <br />plant materials and placement shall be allowed, provided public safety is not compromised. <br />5. The amount of landscaping on commercially zoned properties may be reduced by 15% if <br />buildings are moved to the front of the site with no parking between the building and the front <br />landscaping to create a more pedestrian friendly site klesignj. <br />Commented [CLls]: This language added to allow this <br />B. Type I - Light Perimeter iScreenin <br />1. The purpose of Type I landscaping is to enhance Tukwila's streetscapes, provide a light <br />visual separation between uses and zoning districts, screen parking areas, and allow <br />views to building entryways and signage. <br />2. Plant materials shall consist of the following: <br />a. Trees: a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees. <br />b. One shrub per seven linear feet. <br />c. Groundcover. <br />Page 5 of 19 11/2/2016 6:15 PM <br />W:\ \Long Range Projects \2016 Landscaping Code Update \Draft TMC Chapter 18.52- Advisory Committee Revisions -2 <br />reduction only if there is no parking between the building <br />and the front landscaping. <br />Commented [CL16]: The description of landscaping types <br />is drawn from TMC 18.52.030 and 18.28.230 B. 4. and 5. <br />13 <br />
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