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Exhibit A-1 Scope of Work <br />Continued <br />archaeological, ethnographic and historical information appropriate to the project area from <br />a variety of available resources. <br />• CRC will contact the cultural resources staff of tribes that may have an interest in the <br />project area. This communication is intended to inform the cultural resources assessment <br />and does not constitute government -to -government consultation. <br />• CRC will provide a field investigation of the project location for identification of <br />archaeological and historical resources and, if necessary, excavation of shovel test probes or <br />other exploratory excavations in environments that might contain buried archaeological <br />deposits. Field methods will be consistent with DAHP guidelines. <br />• CRC will monitor during geotechnical explorations (two borings anticipated) in order to <br />observe subsurface conditions near the proposed culvert removal. <br />• CRC will document and record archaeological and historic sites within the project area, <br />including preparation of Washington State archaeological and/or historic site(s) forms. <br />Documentation will be consistent with DAHP standards. <br />• CRC will prepare a technical memo describing background research, field methods, <br />results of investigations, and management recommendations. The report will provide <br />supporting documentation of findings, including maps and photographs, and will conform <br />to DAHP reporting standards. Report and support materials will be provided electronically. <br />4.4 Ecology Construction Stormwater General Permit <br />This task is omitted. The City or the Contractor will submit for this permit once the project is <br />scheduled for construction. <br />4.5 Wetland Delineation <br />The scope for preparing a Critical Areas Report is reduced to only include the preparation of a <br />memorandum to supplement the Critical Areas Assessment prepared with previous work. <br />4.6 Agency Meetings <br />This task is omitted. Any participation of a meeting with permitting agencies, if requested by City, <br />will be provided under Task 4.7 Permit Support. <br />4.7 Permitting Support <br />The scope for this task is reduced to include the attendance of up to two meetings with permitting <br />agencies by two Otak staff. Each meeting is assumed to take 3 hours including travel time. <br />Task 5 — Final Design <br />W:APW Eng\PROJECTS\A- DR Projects\Riverton Flap Gate Removal (99830103 98-DR03)\Consultant Selection\Phase <br />2\contract\Amendment #1\Riverton SOW_Amend 1_17_1027.docx 8 98 <br />