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Page 7 <br />Public Hearing Minutes <br />June 22, 2017 <br /> <br />from residential homes, so the current design helps screen the 30 feet tall fence. The other issue discussed <br />was that the homes across the street would lose their yards and whether it was better to have a sidewalk <br />versus additional pavement in front of the homes. Staff encouraged the applicant to discuss it with the <br />homeowners. The applicant confirmed that they met with the homeowners. <br /> <br />Don Tomaso <br />, Fire Marshall, provided background on the Special Event Permit and why it’s required by the <br />City. He said it’s a special requirement for public safety that is something new in the 2015 Fire Code, which <br />gives the City advance warning regarding what’s going on in the City. The permit is free, and encompasses <br />any permits from any department required in the City. The application needs to be completed 14 days prior <br />to an event. <br /> <br />3) Design Review Conditions <br />Foster High <br />Staff agreed with amended conditions 3A, 3B, 3C and 4, but not 3D which staff recommended deferring to <br /> <br />the building permit stage. Revised language noted later in the minutes under motions <br /> <br />B2K <br />Staff agreed with amended conditions 3 and 4, but recommended deferring approval of the service area <br /> <br />(condition 6) to the building permit stage.Revised language noted later in the minutes under motions <br /> <br />Commissioner Alford <br /> inquired on the service area, she made the following comment on Condition #6: the <br />entrance view that is being discussed here has to do with coming in just at the entry before you turn right, <br />but she would add that the kids getting off the bus and their view of the service area is also a point of entry <br /> <br />to be concerned about as well. Staff verified all three sides were included. <br /> <br />V. REBUTTAL <br /> <br />Jeff Fenney, <br /> for the applicant, provided clarification concerning the comment that 10 cars can be in the <br />queue for drop-off, he said 16 cars can be in the queue plus the parking spaces. Mr. Edward Koltonayla also <br />commented on this issue. He said they did an extensive amount of queuing analysis, which the City’s traffic <br />engineer has reviewed. He said he wanted to emphasize that the traffic management plan is what is going to <br />make this so different, and the City has the final decision. He said everyone is in complete agreement with <br />making the plan work for the safety of the kids. <br /> <br />He also responded to Commissioner Mann’s comments regarding pedestrians crossing traffic twice, and <br />safety for the kids. He said the kids are never left alone, there are always teachers with them, and that is <br />going to be the place where they are most mindful. At Commissioner Mann’s request, he agreed there could <br />be language included in the traffic management plan, addressing this issue. He said it will be a school staff <br />requirement to make sure the kids are safe at all times. <br /> <br />Mr. Fenney, responded to Commissioner Mann’s comments. He said the projection of Foster High will <br />probably be reduced because of the Charter School development. He also said the current addition will only <br />allow a maximum growth of 1,100 students. <br /> <br />Commissioner Alford <br />raised the concern expressed noted in the public comments regarding idling cars. <br />She said the B2K school is going to introduce car emissions idling in the morning and afternoon as well as <br /> <br /> <br />